Despite all its shortcomings, what still makes Xena work is all the episodes were written by men. That made Xena's dialog always sound more masculine than any woman would ever talk & she was always on point instead of spacing out like most modern actors do. The music, New Xealand scenery, & costumes all work. All the episodes have a cozy resolution scene that takes you away from your worries. It's 90's feminist escapism. Modern heroines are all status seeking crazies who hate everyone & kill everything that moves.
Showing posts from June, 2018
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The answer is yes, the obscenely cheap, giant drives marketed only for backup use can still be used as ordinary USB drives. Once you don't mind losing the warranty, they can be torn down & an ordinary SATA drive extracted. The lion kingdom risked $170 + $17 tax in an act of desperation because for the 1st time in 30 years of owning desktop hard drives, the hot weather seems to have damaged one. It was a good time to start moving the entire optical storage collection of 20 years to a hard drive. The lion kingdom had 2 other hard drive failures in Toshiba micro drives, but not root filesystems. After 2 trips to the grocery store without a resolution, sometimes it's easier just to let the mane win.
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The voters wanted to get rid of Dubya because he employed illegal immigrants in a time of 10% unemployment & wanted to expand the H1B quota. The protectionist agenda eventually got democrats elected in 2008, but for the next recession, public opinion reversed course, despite unemployment crossing 20%. The next generation was much less concerned about the size of the workforce & more concerned about new unemployment entitlements, healthcare entitlements, mortgage entitlements. Once the government created these new entitlements, sharing them with the rest of the world became the public's top priority. Not sure if this was because of the giving attitude programmed into millenials or because the rest of the world deteriorated so significantly. Many economies collapsed after 2008, yet only 8 years earlier, "globalization" was the word. China's booming economy was an unending source of pent up demand, not a source of tired weary masses yearning to be free. At lea...
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- Other Apps Always entertaining, even for lions who have no interest in farming & a slight interest in welding, but not enough money to do it. Lions can't make interesting dialog, no matter what, but some can make interesting dialog about paint drying. Most of what individuals are creating on the goo tubes tries to teach something rather than be purely entertainment & they get maybe 50,000 views. Most of the views are going to pure entertainment & guys like dudeperfect get 80 million views. It's quite a difference between what people want to create & what they want to consume.
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After 5 years of logging runs, failed to find a buyout offer & closed. They were 1 of the startups which didn't allow downloading your data. The lion kingdom planned on writing a script to try doing it, but not in time. is the only one from the workout tracking boom still around, but developement was terminated after their buyout. It still doesn't allow editing workouts like dailymile did. Its interface is still a failure of early 2010's agile development, abandoned halfway between 2 prototypes.
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CoreData is similar to what the lion kingdom invented in 2001, an object oriented database where the tables are presented to the user as C classes. The mane difference is a network of XML templates & class files telling the interpreter what objects to create where lions used members of the class files as the templates. After using the custom solution, the lion kingdom found it easier to standardize on SQL, since if it was already in Android & the web server, there was no point in rewriting a custom database just for Apple's odd system, no matter how flashy it was. The queries could be debugged once for SQL instead of debugged again for coredata. It was a bit strange to have to fight the method you invented, to convert an app from coredata to SQL.
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4k +2 exposure compared to 2.7k, 5 years ago. The new camera is a lot sharper than the old one & the lion is much older, making things horrendous. Raising it to eye level & putting a light right next the camera are the next step. There are also ring lights & makeup. As bad as the situation is, it's better than the single women.
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Accidentally set the robot to 5:30 instead of 6:00 for the intervals. Merely assumed they were harder because of lack of fitness & still tried to hit 300 meters. Only got one to 300 meters while the rest were 150 -200m. Did a fartlek instead of structured intervals, so it didn't record precise distances. Lions get pretty violent when they run that fast. It feels like they're trying to shake themselves to pieces.
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Such an incredibly cold night, with the smell of forest fires & the time of year, reminds the lion kingdom of camping in Yosemite at 8000 ft. It's like the air from Yosemite got blown west. Despite hot days, the nights got incredibly cold & the peak of our camping years involved a whole week in July, every year, with plenty of marital arguing. There's no memory of how many years we did the full 8000ft week. The trips got shorter & the last one in the early 90's ended after just 1 day.
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The only thing of the Anthony Bourdain bandwagon the lion kingdom ever paid attention to was this photo of him cooking pancakes in a gigantic kitchen a lion could never afford. There was something about having a restaurant style kitchen in a home. Like most celebrities, he was a patron of the drugs & divorce industry.