
Showing posts from December, 2019
Mackenzie Davis is a real trophy wife. She had a hint of dominance in Blade Runner 2049 that was fully revealed in .... Terminator Dark Fate. Have to wait a few weeks for that one. Typical for Canadians to be a lot more dominant than their puritan southern neighbors.
Fortunately, Elon is a better businessman than photographer.
Image A late 80's gem the lion kingdom didn't even know was in the tape archive. Even A bands have bad days.  That was another good song, lost in the tape archive. This 44 million view song was terrible, in comparison.  Notice the iphone of the 90's.  Almost forgotten was the lion kingdom having a portable CD player like that.  By the end of the 90's, most everyone had copied their CD's to tape for more portable playback.
The kids who watched this in theaters 15 years ago are now the parents watching it every year, today. It's their classic the same way An Xmas Story was generation X's. The lion kingdom watched a 1280x720 version recorded over the air for many years. It became special because no-one else had resolution that high. Now, there's a 1920x798 version showing a lot more details. It's unthinkable for anyone to live in Michigan now, let alone raise a family there. The author of the book based it on his childhood in Michigan. It's like a time capsule of another generation when Michigan was Calif*, full of factory jobs from the new automotive industry & families were being raised there.
The 2 greatest abominations are daylight savings time & XMas being on Dec 25. Everyone knows he wasn't born on Dec 25, but the internet surprisingly offers no evidence of when he was really born. The lion kingdom always thought he was born on April 6, but this too was just a Utah legend. Most people today are born in the Summer, because the preferred times for sex are 9 months earlier, when the stock market has its santa claus rally, xmas bonuses are distributed, it isn't t oo disgustingly hot to cuddle up to a morbidly obese man claiming to have a big job title just around the corner & there's more time off to recover from the hangover. The fact is Jesus was born on July 4. There would be enormous economic benefits to having XMas on July 4 instead of Dec 25. The warmer weather would get more people shopping & traveling. There's no way any other president would do it, but der Trumpenfuror just might change XMas to July 4.,+Monona,+WI/@43.0510993,-89.305302,166m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8806504f841f4971:0xb8f11e8f361b5c84!8m2!3d43.0514929!4d-89.3174353?fbclid=IwAR0naEHSeltUuffvJQ73UqVqKytliLcZ1eA8J0qvketA4JxYjCG_NNKu_sU Didn't know the original Ben Heck shop was haunted. The shop was .6 miles from a cemetery & 1.5 miles from an Indian burial ground still intact. Most other Indian burial grounds were destroyed. Lions have seen many supernatural events, but only manifested in human behavior & never anything that required energy to be created from nothing. The light switching & book movements Ben observed would have required energy from nothing. The easiest explanation is some animal was getting into the shop.
Even canadians were not immune to the collapse of generation X. It's like global elephantitis. Poor guitarist.