
Showing posts from March, 2019
The lion kingdom manely keeps this movie around to see Bass lake in 1988, when it was less crowded.  They cleverly avoided showing how dry it was. That was a drought year.  The neutral gradient shot was a lion favorite.  It was really hard to make shots like that, 30 years ago, & it shows in how misaligned the filter was.  Modern neutral gradient filters are digitally applied & precise. Another neutral gradient favorite from 1991.  If the lion kingdom just had a neutral gradient filter, it could have made anything look cinematic.     Behold the digital neutral gradient filter getting what was impossible 40 years ago.         There weren't a lot of outdoor shots in the great outdoors.  Seeing such a clear view through a movie camera of what the world & the weather was like in 1988 makes lions want to go back.  Lions remember it being sharp & new like that, unlike the low definition...
Technically, everyone reinvests everything they earned in their past lives to generate their future income. The cost of new cars, food, rent to feed a day job for the next 5 years comes from the same pool as the last 20 years of income & accounts for all they had in a certain time period. Those who invest all they have in the formation of a business are considered crazy, but we all do the same thing.
Modern monetary theory: print unlimited money & rely on future tax increases to sustain its value. No government has ever had the discipline to raise taxes to sustain its currency, but old monetary theory relied on governments raising their own interest rates to sustain their currency. How's that working out? Then, there's modern marriage theory.
So basically, the lion kingdom tried intervals on this route & while the downhill section contains uphills which stymied a tempo run attempt, the uphills are only a fraction of the length of an interval. The intervals end up being manely downhill. They're so downhill, they have to be longer than flat intervals. 10mph is about as fast as a lion can comfortably thread the narrow sidewalk, so they have to be longer.
Time to watch it again. When it was illegal. The lion kingdom still sees this scene as it looked on VHS, even when it's in HD.  It just looked a lot better than other VHS recordings. The VHS shot as you knew it for 35 years & the HD version.
Finally obtained an english overdubbed version of it. Somehow thought the revival was fully animated, but in fact it was a single low budget live action movie in 2010. It's 1 of the many anime shows Steven Spielberg was rumored to be remaking but never did. It didn't even get mentioned in Ready player one.
A star is born is a pretty awful movie.  The lion kingdom only watched it because Shallow was a good song when Gaga lady wasn't singing.  Gaga undergoes an interesting transformation from normal to full blown gaga in the 2 hours.  The love story is pretty vapid.  History is made in a bar. The guy never once is sober.  The only attraction is the guy being famous.  Lions suppose it's what the current generation of humans considers a deep relationship.  It's much less than it was for generation X & generation X was pretty shallow. Never did watch any of gaga lady's material in the last 10 years.  She's a 1/3 billionaire.  As is common nowadays, most of that was made by touring, not recording.  She always looked like a wasted female Elton John.
Real view from a real house, in 1985. Actually thought it was an effect.  Today, it's obscured by a hotel, the house is now $1/2 million, & there aren't any more jobs nearby.  Astoria sounds like a good place to hide indoors from the weather & perpetually relive memories of Short Circuit & Goonies.
A lot more detail in the HD version that wasn't visible in the low definition versions lions had for the last 40 years. We can finally see Blake's supposedly disfigured face & the relative height of the zombies to the priest.  For all those years, the lion kingdom only knew the zombies as fully blacked out with glowing eyes.  The visible face made them less threatening. The mane idea is a story of leprosy in the 19th century. A leper colony that was quarantined on an island wanted to move closer to the town. The town sank their ship.
Fitness has declined in the 3 weeks since resuming commuting. The short runs involved in commuting aren't as effective as long runs were.

Apollo 11 review

Watched it in a manely empty IMAX theater.  The audience was 1/2 of 1% of the usual audience size.  When the flying part ended, some left.  There was no-one under 50.  For someone following the space program long before SpaceX, it was the same as many other documentaries we watched for the last 40 years.  For those who just discovered the space program because of SpaceX, it should be exciting. The sharper footage was manely confined to the liftoff, while the rest was the familiar 16mm & TV footage shown in split screens. They didn't use the slow scan footage of the 1st step but instead showed the view looking down from the window.  Buzz's egress was the only thing shown in slow scan footage. The 65mm footage was much smoother than expected, while lens aberrations of the time were greatly magnified on the big screen.  The 16mm footage was much grainier than we've seen it before.  Those of us who have viewed 8k scans of 35mm are familiar w...