
Showing posts from April, 2020 The lion kingdom liked the ambiance of Star Wars episode II that it tried desperately to find any footage of lake como in 2003. There was absolutely nothing besides a few tiny photos on extremely hazy days & nothing showing the shooting locations. It wasn't until 2015 that gootube videos of lake como filming locations started appearing in earnest. What happened in the intervening 12 years? Lions believe the audience that was most entertained by episode II was under 15 y ears old in 2003 while the generation with the means to travel was simply not into it at all. It took 12 years for the generation that was entertained by episode II to attain enough financial means to travel & what they enjoyed during their childhood in 2003 drove the content after 2015. Episode II was very divided between generations. Lions have deduced the weather on lake como is normally extremely hazy. Pretty consistent story, for the last 15 years. Software analyst for Microsoft becomes financially independent, retires in his 30's & marries a doll. The lion kingdom spent its 30's getting told to get lost. The 1st one lions heard of was DC Rain Maker hanging up his laptop & moving to France. Lions also heard of old guys at MS marrying doll brides. Sailboat guy is the biggest lifestyle change. Microsoft had a good thing going, despite becoming nearly irrelevant during the rise of the phone & Linux. Suspect their software analysts are more like contractors who get to keep most of the revenue of the contracts, rather than salaried employees. Not sure how many employees are getting a golden ticket nowadays or how many of them retire because of burnout or being in the industry for reasons other than interest in programming. Lions only heard of 1 goog employee retiring in his 30's. Facebook hasn't been around ...
Kind of amusing how the rest of the internet has finally copied the pinterest model. What made pinterest money was the fact that it didn't show any of the URLs you put in. It only showed related content. No matter how many times you clicked, the links would never converge & show the content of the URL. You've noticed the gootubes now play a very short video followed by a much longer set of advertisements & links to related videos. The book of face recently switched its video player to just showing links to other videos rather than the URL you entered. These companies had long protested the fact that the Goog was monetizing their content. Password protecting it was 1 way to obfuscate it, but obviously the more effective way is just to give the goog exactly what it wants, a page with a key word somewhere that it's looking for, but which only shows links to related content. Suspect the model is effective enough for the Goog's properties like goo tube to fol...
  Finally finished The Mandalorian, 1 month after downloading it. Like all TV shows, it's 3 really boring filler episodes surrounded by 5 decent episodes. The good episodes had much more expensive production than standard TV shows. Of course, it wasn't until episode 8 that lions figured out mandalorian helmets are really spartan helmets, especially queen mandalorian's helmet. The lion kingdom believed the artwork & non practical stuff was done in the presidio building beca use of the similar artwork in the windows & it's not a major enough series to require a large studio. It turns out the building lions run by all the time is ILM headquarters nowadays & it has actual soundstages. They're just real small soundstages. The room the lion kingdom was in is actually frequented by celebrities. The Mandalorian didn't use any green screens. Instead, they now use giant LED screens displaying a virtual set. The LED screen projects the right lighting...
The latest starship heat shield tiles are constructed exactly like RF shielding cans, which got the lion kingdom reviewing its surviving RF cans. There was once no such thing as streaming video, so capturing analog TV was a big thing. The lion kingdom 1st got a $26 TV receiver with mono sound in 1998. The lion kingdom lusted after a $90 version with the mighty MSP3430 chip because it could receive stereo sound. It was cheaper to use a VCR to receive stereo. Eventually, a bunch of MSP3430 equipped ones arrived, but analog TV quickly went off the air & digital TV took over. The analog cards are now worthless. Hauppauge made a digital wintv for a crazy high price, but the lion kingdom eventually got a cheaper board specifically designed for Linux. These too became worthless as cable companies moved to strictly IP based video.
Lions worked with polio viruses, back in biology school. Don't have any memory of what experiment it was for, but it might have been using polio as a vector for altering the genes of another cell. 70 years ago, it would have been unthinkable to use polio viruses in a class, but it was assumed we were all vaccinated & the procedures were very aseptic. Most of what humans know about viruses comes from handling viruses in labs. A lot of biology money goes to making viruses jump hosts, for use in gene editing. Some of them are extremely dangerous & there are serious protocols for keeping them contained. Eating bats dates back to the Mao famine, yet China's large virus outbreaks only became consistent events 20 years ago, when gene therapy was big & lions were majoring in biology. Maybe a butcher contracted it from a bat, but maybe a worker in a biology lab got it & gave it to the butcher. It would be easy enough to compare mutations in the virus to natural mut...
It's plainly obvious to the lion kingdom that oil is not going to be $20/barrel for very long. Airplanes are going to start flying again. People are going to start commuting again. Elon is not going to eliminate all the world's oil consumption, at least in the next 10 years. It may not reach $40 for a while, but it certainly won't be $20. For most of the lion kingdom's life, it was at least $30/barrel & that was before the absolutely worthless papiermark became US's currency. The memory of $100 oil is still fresh in the lion kingdom's mind. Today's oil prices are like penny stocks, but for much larger & more established companies instead of startups. Why the oil sector remanes so beaten down while the rest of the stock market booms is probably because the stock market is entirely funded by the fed & the fed is concentrating the papiermarks into bond funds to lower interest rates. The other reason it's so beaten down is a lot of people c...
The lion kingdom was pleased to find Frizzicity still on the hard drive, in some form. Was certain they all got deleted because it was so boring & the lion kingdom never made it past season 3. The 1st season had a good theme song & it reminds lions of a brief time when they were care free. News flash: the tiny bounty hunter in Star Wars 9 is the 1 & only middle aged Frizz.
Meanwhile, in the real world So the internet covered the stock market conspiracy theories, Chinese bioweapon conspiracies, virus hoax theories & is now heading back to the chemtrail conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, back in the real world, it's a hopscotch conspiracy. Meanwhile, in Utah.   Weird seeing western conference in an empty room, with the seats 6 ft apart & choir recordings from long ago. Same story in all of the rest of the world, with serious travel restrictions. The only footage we have is vlogs from motorcycle hottie. In US, it's much the same & there's no media coverage. For a moment in time, there was no place in the world you could go to be offered the freedom that once was.  All the world had restricted going outside, limited getting around, limited how close together people could be, required people to wear masks.  The ca...