Gave up trying to watch First Man in its entirety & just watched the moon landing part. Millenials add sound effects to everything, for some reason. Do they really hear sound effects when the earth passes through a window? Their gootube videos also have sound effects every time they turn a page. The 1990's shaky camera style got old, 20 years ago. Gathered the world to a millenial is always in crisis & the director was using his own personal experience just trying to breathe to model what Neil Armstrong must have been feeling.

Also noticed he ingrained hour after hour of family time in our heads, like having an ideal nuclear family was life & death.  Millenial gootube videos are the same way.  George Bush briefly campaigned on family values, but it was never the matter of life & death for generation X to have families that it is for millenials.

He didn't just omit the flag raising on the moon, but the moon footage conspicuously avoided showing any flags at all.  It only appeared in 2 cuts, as shaded out.


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