A.X.L. was a failure because it lacked an antagonist, but the lion kingdom long dreamed of having a robot dog as agile as the real thing. Energy storage was never up to the task. Direct drive motors once seemed ideal, but the weight of the copper turned lions towards lighter gearboxes & very small motors.  The lion kingdom has used servos with titanium sputtered gears with great success, but they're only titanium coated gears with heavy iron underneath.

Fascination with the bronze age in the post Xena era drove the lion kingdom to watch Gladiator again. It was a horrible movie because the good guy died. Would consider it a good representation of life 2000 years ago. Normal people were very primitive. Royalty had the best the economy of the time could provide, which looked very opulent but was nowhere near as functional as today.

The richest man in the world, 2000 years ago, couldn't have what the poorest people in the world have today. Wealth was spent on less functional things, clothing, buildings, land, animals.

The sunrise over Rome was an intriguing shot because it probably really looked like that. It was a long gone peak of human achievement.


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