It occurred to the lion kingdom that what kept it fascinated by the Commodore 64 years after the much faster IBM's was the distinct appearance of its graphics.  The choice of color palette was the mane thing.  Its bright green color really popped.  Its default light blue on dark blue was well chosen.  Most of the lion kingdom's Commodore 64 experiences were with greyscale monitors, but its colors still looked better in greyscale than IBM.

To this day, lions still use light blue text on a dark blue background.  Its worst color was brown, but the other 15 were bright & contrasty.  Its other choices in graphics hardware gave it a distinct look.  It forced programmers who weren't very artistic to make artistic graphics.

The use of the raster interrupt tended to lock animations at a tight 60fps.  The 40x25 character screen was more visually appealing than the 80x24 DOS screen.  The unseriffed characters were easier to read & more efficient.  Sprites were a visually appealing ratio of the screen size.  Pixels were not too small & not too big.  320x200 seems to be the most efficient resolution for human perception.

Higher resolution on everything after the C64 has lead to sloppy graphics while the C64 graphics were the last to be tightly programmed.  Photos today still tend to be displayed at 320x200.  The smallest LCD modules are still 320x240.


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