Sightings of the starship construction jigs 1st in Texas, then exactly the same stone circles suddenly appearing in Fl*rida got the lion kingdom thinking about stonehenge. It would have been easy enough for a druid living 5000 years ago to have a vision of a future, through quantum entanglement, in which survival of the human race depended on giant stone circles, but perhaps the aliens which visited the druids 5000 years ago told the story of how they left their planet for the stars.

The aliens revealed they did it in giant rockets made out of stainless steel, built on giant stone circles, just as we're doing now. Physics had dictated the easiest way for all alien species throughout the universe to travel to the stars & it always ended up exactly the same. The druids were so inspired, they modeled their religious artifacts after the alien spaceship jig.

Did the druids envison themselves building giant rockets on their stone circles, once they perfected stainless steel & the staged combustion cycle? Did they intend for future generations to use their stone circles to build spaceships? Or was it just a symbol of the large impact the stone circles had on the alien's future?


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