
Showing posts from June, 2019
Who knew when US's debt was downgraded in 2011, it would lead to the largest credit boom in history & the end of nonzero interest rates. The numbers are laughable, nowadays. A debt ceiling of $14 trillion? Debt of only 80% of GDP? What were they thinking? Today's debt is 106% of GDP & interest rates are going back to 0 in July. Debt ceilings are a thing of the past.  Borrowing 40x of one's income for a mortgage is normal because of the increase in productivity the mortgage allows. Imagine if everyone had to live in Idaho in $1/2 million houses they could afford with cash. Nothing but potatoes would ever be produced. We'd still be carving emails in stone tablets & sacrificing cows to gods. Thanks to debt, people can move to Calif* & live in $4 million condos. The move to Calif* enabled by credit multiplies their productivity 1000x & turns them into vegans who don't need any food. They can create instant messaging services worth far more than ...
Finally got Titanic Honor & Glory on the junk laptop. It's extremely photorealistic, manely from PBR textures. Very little of the ship is actually modeled. There are no exterior paths. The Ireland exterior is empty & unpopulated. In reality, Belfast was already a city by then. It's more interesting as a recreation of the world in 1912 rather than the ship itself. The world was far less crowded. There was no middle class. Then as now, most of a worker's income went to rent. Booting it takes 10 minutes. Linux is almost instantaneous. Windows has become so much slower in the last 20 years, it makes the lion kingdom feel justified in not programming for it despite all other applications become windows only. She sounds like a horrible boss. Bosses who are calm 1 second & easily triggered into temper tantrums the next second are the worst. Who knows how much is real & how much is for the camera, but the Teutles went their separate ways after their show, American Chopper, ended. So she made 1/2 million on a kickstarter campaign & so far made $10,000 on this video after spending $35,000 on the car. All of her videos average $5000, pre-tax corporate income of course. For this generation, it's not about making a profit but about getting bought out. She would have paid the staff in stock options. Watching Monster Garage millenial edition, the lion kingdom can only think about how razor sharp her focus is on making money & how the brain tumor made her shift from nonsense projects to serious projects, overnight. She incorporated right after entering the workforce & never ever worked for someone else. She never took a long ...
That movie was so bad, lions since remembered watching George Lucas's 140 minute diatribe against Dubya, Star Wars III. As the campaign slogans blared, lions wondered how they managed to make a movie with 2 parties switching sides & changing campaign slogans every week. Its only redeeming factor was her mane changing from a broom to a mane.
Watching the frost queen model on black backgrounds & recycled lion king backgrounds makes lions realize how important background painters are. Background paintings are the only parts which have to be made from scratch for every scene, while a single character model lasts the entire movie. A TV show is just a season of background painting.
The lion kingdom finally learned that film projectors used a grabber to pull 1 frame at a time in front of the lightbulb & hold it for 2/3 of a frame duration. A shutter created 3 flashes of light when the film was in the same position instead of creating 1 long flash, because of a peculiar ability of the human eye to perceive 1 long flash every 24th of a second but not 3 short flashes. Then the grabber advanced the film when the shutter was blank. 2 loops of excess film translated the single frame steps into continuous movement for the audio scanner. The early projectors used the light of unshielded arc welding, vaporizing 4" of electrode every 20 minutes in air, with a worm drive automatically advancing the electrode. Today's projectors use lasers as the light source, but do not scan with the laser. The color rendition will never be the same as it was with the old carbon arc.