US is the modern Roman empire, so continuing the study of US's sister empire, meet the Aqua Claudia. Started by Caligula, finished by Claudio in 52 AD. You normally think of the Roman aqueducts as short runs of multiple layers of arches in downtown areas.

The Aqua Claudia extended through 31 miles of farmland, manely underground, but above ground within 5 miles of Rome. The elevated section was to regulate the flow rate, not to get above obstacles. The only way to pump water was to elevate it on miles of arches, in those days.

The vastness of the 2000 year old beast extending beyond the horizon is astounding. The uniform arches appear to march past, in perfect formation, immune to all obstacles, like the Roman army itself. While manely built of large limestones, sections are reinforced by traditional Roman bricks arranged haphazardly. These were hasty repairs done after earthquakes & wars.

The Italian stone pines where we would expect a normal empire to have Calif* pine trees make the remanes of the Roman empire all the more otherworldly, like a copy of US in another dimension.


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