
Showing posts from January, 2020
The 1st 20 years of a lion's career are for paying the rent of the next 10 years. Our generation is now the professors teaching anatomy class from memory for the 20th year in a row, without ever having to worry about having a job. 2 factor authentication was invented because too many of you were using junk email accounts instead of your real email accounts to avoid spam. It has nothing to do with authentication. This paper reads like an MCAT test, with the densest british writing. The mane point is it's not a measurement of inflation but interest earned vs inflation. It was also written by the bank of england, the british version of Trump's re-election fund, the federal reserve. They omit all cases of hyperinflation. The traditional view that increasing productivity over 800 years led to deflation doesn't apply to real i nterest rates. Real interest ra...
The reason Alphabet corporation has never allowed dynamic range compression in the gootube player is the same reason commercials always sounded louder than TV shows, 40 years ago. They want the commercials to be louder than the content. 40 years ago, TV sets did have dynamic range compression. The companies that made the TV's didn't profit from the advertising, so they were free to put in as many ad circumventing features as possible, all the way until they recorded the entire TV shows locally & allowed users to skip the commercials. The biggest change resulting from Alphabet corporation's acquisitions of the last 20 years is the disappearance of all features from players which allow circumventing commercials. There's no more skipping commercials by recording entire TV shows locally or dynamic range compression. The way of life generation X knew is completely forgotten.
Easy to forget the primitive stone age conditions & suffering encountered by pioneers happened at exactly the same time Liszt & Chopin were inventing the modern musical world. 2 entirely opposite worlds existed in 1846.
The apartment right turn lane claims yet another victim as an SUV is stopped waiting for a lion to cross. An impatient Porsche behind the SUV floors the gas, either thinking he can push the SUV out of the way or go around & run the lion over. Then the loud crack of $100,000 of Porsche 911 smashing into an SUV pierces the traffic sounds. The Porsche emitted a loud screech trying to back up like nothing happened, but his transmission was now a $100,000 paperweight. It's been such a long history of car accidents as the $1 million homeowers have become $1 billion homeowers in the last 5 years, far above waiting for lions, the lion kingdom suspects that intersection will soon have crosswalk overpasses.
Salvaged the caps from the 20 year old Yamaha HTR-5230. They're specially designed for audio because they say so. Lions do miss the sound of movies played through its subwoofer & surround sound speakers, but there wouldn't be any space for all those speakers, anymore. Discovered the T12 soldering irons don't go to 450C & they get more unstable with higher temperatures. Adding caps & soldered power connectors did nothing. They're closed source so would need completely scratch built firmware to fix the problem. Fortunately, lions never solder above 330C & they're acceptable at 330C. The temperature instability erases all the benefit of having the heater inside the tip. Today was the 1st time lions saw A/UX, via some shaky, blurry goo tube videos. Long ago, lions desperately wanted to try A/UX on their 25Mhz 68030 but it wasn't one of the 15 Mac models A/UX worked on. Of all t...
Lions remember when killing a general meant deploying thousands of troops, aircraft carriers, & Tom Cruise. Nowadays, someone just outside Las Vegas has a missile locked on the general at all times & it's just a simple matter. While Democrats were busy going nowhere with the impeachment crisis, the Muller crisis, the crisis crisis, Iran was actually attacking bases, culminating in the embassy attack after months of other attacks. The media never covered any of it, partly because Iraq is already assumed to be a shithole without any coverage. He was actually killed near the Baghdad airport & was in Baghdad, personally coordinating the embassy attacks. If only Carter did what needed to be done in 1979 & Clinton did what needed to be done in 1993. There wouldn't be a need to arrive at the airport 2 hours before a flight. Grey millennial would be making cooking shows in the twin towers. The general's last words right before the explosion were "If only ...
It's not always obvious that all of today's top goo tube stars only started editing videos 10 years ago. Firstly, goo tube wasn't a serious money maker until 10 years ago, tube stars have a finite lifespan below 10 years, but less obviously, the tools for editing videos weren't accessible to consumers until 10 years ago. Lions don't often realize it because they've been editing toy videos for over 20 years. There's a long way between what lions have done for 20 years & what  the full timers have done for 10 years. In long form editing with lots of tracks, the commercial products do a better job keeping everything synchronized. The commercial products import all HDR footage & LUTs & do realtime colorimetry as part of the codec. They have a lot more canned titles & overlays. They do a better job with speed curves. Those are the long term baseline functions which have arisen in the last 10 years, as opposed to fads like 3D, VR,...