Salvaged the caps from the 20 year old Yamaha HTR-5230. They're specially designed for audio because they say so. Lions do miss the sound of movies played through its subwoofer & surround sound speakers, but there wouldn't be any space for all those speakers, anymore.

Discovered the T12 soldering irons don't go to 450C & they get more unstable with higher temperatures. Adding caps & soldered power connectors did nothing. They're closed source so would need completely scratch built firmware to fix the problem. Fortunately, lions never solder above 330C & they're acceptable at 330C. The temperature instability erases all the benefit of having the heater inside the tip.

Today was the 1st time lions saw A/UX, via some shaky, blurry goo tube videos. Long ago, lions desperately wanted to try A/UX on their 25Mhz 68030 but it wasn't one of the 15 Mac models A/UX worked on. Of all the vintage emulators, there was never an emulator which could run A/UX. There was an expensive emulator called Ardi in the 90's for running System 7. Today, there's Basilisk II for running System 7.


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