Everyone wants to be part of the show when they see a movie set, but what's closer to being in the show? Making 3D models or writing a video editor. So many guys want to write video editors or want to get credited for writing someone else's video editor, being in the show is part of the motivation.
When lions see who's closest to the production, it's always 3D modelers. The 3D modeling software is written by someone far away, who never handles the real product. The 3D software user works with the director & handles the product.
But both of them still make something that leads to the product. The editing software gets a credit at the end of the movie. The model maker gets a name in a long list of other names.
3D modeling software was always a harder problem than editing. Editing software is manely concerned with supporting the latest codecs & standards. Modeling software requires intense linear algebra & is much less based on file format standards.
Lions never grasped how it could be practical to design a 3D world with a 2D mouse, but apparently it's been ironed out for 30 years. After using 3D software for 20 years, it's become pretty natural for even lions.
A movie has the attention of millions of people for a few hours, then is completely forgotten. Manetaneing attention in showbiz requires constantly making toilet paper. That turned lions more to making tools than content. Based on revenue, they're actually only seen by a small fraction of the world population. A big space mission like Falcon Heavy has billions of eyes for a long time. It can create artificial stars in the sky.


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