Time to transcode them & make some use of the obsolete 8 core Ryzen. Going from 7Mbit MPEG2 to 1Mbit H.264 at this resolution, the degradation is acceptable. It takes 30 minutes to extract the data from the disks & 20 minutes to transcode. H.265 would take 5 hours to transcode for very little gain.

Only the 1st season was released in HD. 16 years since that release, it's quite clear the rest of the show is staying low def & the pirated copies are horrendous.

Lions haven't transcoded a DVD in over a decade. It was once so incredible to get entire movies in such high quality on a disk the same size as a common CD. The entire disk would fit in 1/4 of the Ryzen's RAM.

The original space force.


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