Carter pulled ahead in all the remaneing battlegrounds. Democrats now control the senate & the white house. Big changes are coming to progressive tax rates & retirement plans. Not much is changing in civil unrest. Trains were routinely delayed by protests, in the 2014 time frame. That's not changing.

The lion kingdom would say Dubya was the last spark for the republican party as generation X knew it & Trump was the final stutter. That ended a long cycle which began with republicans having huge wins in the 1980's, even in Calif*. Calif*'s past republican support shows how long the cycle was. It's hard to imagine now that Calif* ever elected a conservative platformed Schwarzenegger.

The 2 party system of the future will be comprised of a relatively conservative Clinton, Biden group & a new socialist group represented by Sanders, Cortez. It's the way all governments have gone. The path from freedom to stomping inequality is a cycle humans have never really improved upon.

It would be interesting to know if women's suffrage in the 1920's began a long 100 year path of government expansion, starting with the massive economic stimulus programs of the 1930's, entitlement programs of the 1950's, final snuffing out of the republican party today & if this path was driven by women's places in the christian social order. It would probably be illegal to ask such questions.


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