The lion kingdom's mane fascination with the roman Thermopolia is how equivalent it was to anything today. The outside of the counter was curved, exactly like some kind of modern architecture. The only difference was the only building material of the time being stone. Lions wonder if the countertop was as uneven in 87AD or if it was distorted by time.
There was no running water or electricity. It wasn't very sanitary.
Light would have only come from fires. Every day, someone woke up & cooked in this stone world, expecting it to always be the same. The party ended in 87AD. Whoever worked there was frozen in ash. The skeleton was still manely intact.
Paintings of the time were the modern day TV. They did the same function. The internet claimed the dog painting was either a virtual guard dog or marked a place to keep pets on a leash, but lions suspect they ate dogs. They also ate snails. Being an agrarian civilization, the food worker might have been equivalent to the modern programmer.
There it sat for 2000 years, through all the wars, plagues, middle ages, recessions, economic booms, climate changes.


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