The lion kingdom's regret of the day is not sticking to the plan, manely staying heavily weighted in stocks for the last 20 years & tapering off only in old age. Analysts 20 years ago recommended 60/40 in youth & 20/80 in old age. The original plan would have yielded home ownership, a real piano, a machine shop, less commuting, & much greater productivity.
The problem was software lions have short careers compared to the audience of the 60/40 portfolio so they had to plan to taper sooner. They make most of their money before age 35, then face the prospect of not being employable after 35 & having to lock in their gains sooner. A software lion facing a stock market crash probably won't see a recovery before he needs the money.
This short career, combined with what analysts called unprecedented volatility caused the analyst messages to change. The message fluctuated between getting out of stonks completely & being all in, so like most animals, lions got all out. There was a time when the stock market was down over a 20 year span.
One day, the lion kingdom made some graphs of the stock market at different zoom levels to find evidence of the "unprecedented volatility". The 10 year range showed a terrifying spike, surely overbought. What about 1987-2000? The exact same terrifying spike. What about 1929-1987? The exact same terrifying spike.
No matter the zoom level or the range, it drew the same spike, despite the crashes. You wouldn't notice if it was a 10 year graph, 30 year graph or 100 year graph without a legend. Unfortunately, the internet no longer allows custom graphs of arbitrary date ranges to see just how consistent the unprecedented times are.
The only limiting factor on stonks is whether you're going to need the money sooner than the short term dips in the spike. People who commit suicide during the crashes need the money sooner than the end of the dip. It's otherwise never going to permanently wipe out your portfolio as many have predicted.
The mane reason the stonk market can't permanently go broke is the government needs money. It can go broke temporarily & if you're old enough, for longer than your lifetime, but not for someone with 20 working years left. The government will always drop interest rates to 0, print money, or redefine the meaning of inflation to devalue cash. The other thing driving the spike shape is technological progress. Technological progress didn't start in silicon valley during the PC boom & end with the AI boom. It's been going on for 800 years.
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