The democratic party has spoken.  1st Russia 1917 then China 1949,  then US 2021.  The next communist revolution won't be won with bullets but electrons.  If the Chinese or Russian revolutions happened today, they would probably look the same, a sudden banishment of their leaders from all communication mediums.  The difference is this one wasn't based on a massive outcry from the public for economic reform.  Even the media wasn't focused on the economy, but a small number of people in high places got an opening & took it, managed to pull off a revolution which will result in massive economic changes, student loan forgiveness, wealth taxes, universal basic income.  All that will happen because of some crisis that no-one will remember.

It makes lions wonder if all the communist revolutions originally started with some crisis no-one remembers, only to end up with the economic systems they became famous for becoming entrenched by opportunity.


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