Reading about the net worth of top gootubers, it's amazing so many people "donate" money to wealthy names on the internet who have stuff they'll never have & who block them, downmod them, chastize them. The top paytreon earners are worth millions & paytreon is still marketed as some kind of charity that people are supposed to donate to out of kindness. It's kind of like people who praise a god who gave them cancer. Maybe they think the god will have a change of heart if they kiss ass enough, like god is some kind of executive. God isn't an executive & she doesn't care if you swear, grow a mane, or pat her back. She just cares about the survival of the union, which is itself problematic if humans are ever to be free. Look, the best thing that could happen for human freedom is US's government running out of money. It's not what's taught in school, but it's the way biology has always evolved.


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