It was surprising just how little Elon knew about cryptocurrencies when he 1st started buying bitcoin in earnest & committing a chunk of Tesla's valuation to it. He had been promoting dogecoin as a joke for years, but only just enough to sound like an expert. He can't make much progress in all the other things he does without a complete focus on the other things. He later raised the same concerns raised during the 2017 boom, manely the energy consumption & the scalability, as if they were new. Really?
His kind of journey of discovery is where the good ideas come from. Maybe if he devotes his full attention to it, we'll have solutions to the scalability & proliferation of currencies. In a way, his failed experiment with bitcoin & transition to dogecoin parallels his failed experience trying to buy rockets from Russia & making his own, but dogecoin isn't his own. He may yet create a new currency which will become the world standard. Tweeking dogecoin probably won't do the job.
The threat of a universal Elon currency was enough to get the fed back on the drum beat of "exploring digital currencies." They need to introduce a new currency to reign in the exploding denominations of doll hairs now required to feed the government. The government has never had much luck creating a standard for anything, so they'll probably have to accept an Elon currency no matter what.
The lion kingdom believes if Elon creates a new currency, it will replace most others in the free world, organically. Some small governments will retain their own currencies, in order to stave off bankruptcy. US probably can no longer stave off bankruptcy by printing its own money, ironically, because it's too big. It's going to have to accept whatever the people choose as their currency. Elon could have the government by the balls. He could tweek the currency, as others have done, to increase or decrease the level of inflation.
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