Pute annexed Crimea in 2014 & Ukraine in 2022. The lion kingdom doesn't understand why the amerikan people blame Trump if he wasn't even president in 2014. 2 leaders were very focused on social welfare programs, climate change & clearly never going to act on any foreign crisis. 1 leader in between was focused on the military & was a lot more likely to respond to a foreign crisis.

What Joe Robinette could really do without escalating it into WWIII is unknown. The problem is a lot more of Europe is next if he continues the current path of sleeping.


This one implies it's the last ghasp of a dying regime & it could all be over if Fred Rogers 46 simply regained air superiority. Pute doesn't currently have enough money to rebuild the USSR, but could depending on how long Carter 2.0 sleeps.

Back scratcher finally got designed.


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