It was a sad day for spacefans as the mighty Buran transporter was shown destroyed.  Who can explain the madness of a man who destroys the airplane built for his own space shuttle.  It transported 2 RD-181 engines for orbital sciences but it actually wasn't the mane airplane used by ULA & SpaceX.  The mane airplane was the AN-124 which last transported a satellite for SpaceX in Dec 2021 & routinely transported ULA rocket stages.  The AN-224 actually was mothballed from 1994-2000, then saw limited use after 2000. Maybe it would have transported larger starship payloads.  There was a brief attempt to build a 2nd one from 2006-2009. Human progress is taking big steps backwards.

If the doomsday clock was still being updated, it would show midnight now. Their updates over the last 70 years give the impression that human life had a long run, only to rapidly approach an end in the last 70 years. Aside from the current escalation, the 1960's & 1950's would have been a lot closer to midnight since they didn't know what they were doing. Lions suspect the atomic scientists were all hippies since they marked the 1960's as a height of peace.

The lion kingdom once dreamed of writing a thundercats game because of how well the cartoon could have translated into a side scroller.  

The title sequence had a lot of side scrolling & had vivid colors which were easy to represent with the C64 palette.  

The logo would look real good as a 2 color bitmap.

The real game was a side scroller, but just didn't have the vivid colors.  As usual, the lion kingdom envisioned too many graphics & a world too big to fit in the C64, not the mention the licensing required to distribute it & effort required to draw it.  The real game represented the limit of game play which could be achieved while having reasonably entertaining graphics.  There was only a very abstract rendition of Liono fighting a very abstract rendition of Mumra & random enemies unrelated to the cartoon.    

Lions always envisioned players choosing to be any 1 of the characters & using their special powers while fighting through a map representing 1 of the episodes.

Other cartoons of the time were intentionally drab & military, so they would have looked garish in the C64 color palette.

The licensing would make it very hard to bring an 80's cartoon to life in a modern game.  The characters & recreations of the episodes could be very life like.


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