The brushless gimbal was set up for the 99% possibility the truck gets kicked off the course. It would entail carrying a spare battery in a 2nd paw & not having any food. It would capture just a timelapse. It's believed to have enough battery power to capture 75% of the run.

The ideal scenario would be a truck video, since that takes the best footage. The equipment was tested extensively, but has a nonzero chance of malfunctioning. In a scenario of the truck malfunctioning, it could be slowed down to walking speed & the course completed in a longer time.
The mane concerns are the usual problems like bowel movements, hitting the wall, paw injury, parking. A large number of animals are going to treat the run like a real half marathon.

Watched cringe fest The One again after 20 years, but the mane memories were just the vicarious way the mane character lived the life of a rich hockey player, imagined himself living in the posh NY apartment of the hockey player, & nearly chopped his paw off in a garbage disposal. A middle aged lion remembers entirely different bits than a younger lion. A middle aged lion knows engagements are called off, marriages are annulled all the time, & marriage just isn't the end game it was 20 years ago.

Younger lion might have been attracted to the love story originally. Middle aged lion isn't attracted to any of the characters at all. The hero was never very likable. In today's world of publicly lived gootuber lives, women picking a caterer over a hockey star is completely absurd. Marrying down was a popular myth in 2003 when we only saw the lives of movie stars.

For some reason, younger lion thought it was in NY. It was entirely shot in Toronto & the city was never named. It was released in 2003, near the peak of the lion kingdom's recordings of analog TV. Younger lion was the average age of marriage, realizing it wasn't going to happen, & watching a lot of light love stories.


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