May 2022 was the big month in millennial marriages. Physics Hottie & Supreme Leader of all blond hotties both tied the knot. SLBH picked a lard gut director of a consulting firm. Physics Hottie married Kyle Kitzmiller, CEO of a sporting goods startup.

Anyways, the lion kingdom now gets adsense for shredlights.  How can a guy who makes overpriced flashlights for skateboards pay for Physics Hottie's retirement while lions who make 3D printed trucks can't even afford rent?  

There is an aftermarket remote control for skateboards but Physics Hottie's $50 lights are not remote controlled.  PH's skateboard lights through equitable divorce have no brain of any kind.  They're just common chinese flashlights with fancy silicone enclosures.

There is a $15 silicone sock which fits over the remote.  It's not waterproof.  The lion kingdom was intrigued by how it stretches to fit.  


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