Amerikans want just some parts of christianity: traditional gender roles, marriage to men of higher status, male breadwinners, maternity leave provided by men, patriarchy.  They don't want the bad parts of christianity: bans on abortion, the right to bear arms, military spending.

The lion kingdom probably could have gone to an ivy league school. Anyone with the money could just transfer to an ivy league school after going anywhere else for a year. The mane limitation was paying for it. $25,000/year was a lot of money for tuition in those days. 40 years later, everyone in the news & getting the big jobs for the last 20 years was from MIT, Stanford. No-one from San Jose State amounted to anything. It was surprising how sharp the cutoff was between the top 2 & the rest. You’d think at least 1 genious who wanted to save money by going to Las Positas Community College would have hit a home run.

Anesthesiologists ended up being the big money makers from generation X & especially millennials. We were told about doctors not making as much as they used to, the 1950's being the glory days of gynecology, the student loans being the end of the world, but once again history trumped rumors. Maybe it wasn't gynecology for generation X, but there's always a party happening somewhere.

1 of the attainable women was an anesthesiologist living in a multi million dollar house in Atherton. She's easily retired now & worth 8 figures. Even the government mandated shutdowns & downturn in healthcare of 2020 didn't dent anesthesiologist net worth.

The thing lions don't understand is why anesthesiologists with all the money they have even bother selling merchandise on the goo tubes. Goo tubing is like avon sales, 20 years ago.


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