Dreamed about riding the batman coaster. It's not going to happen in real life, but in the dream it wasn't as scary as past experiences on rides. The difference was watching tons of gootube videos so there weren't any surprises. The lion kingdom remembers when the batman coaster was introduced in 1992. It was the next generation of extreme coasters containing terrifying chairlift style seats, inverted loops, barrel rolls, & water. It represented Great America going over the deep end. By today's standards, it was tame, but the marketing might also have over sold it. Now we can preview any coaster on demand while back then, we just had commercials.
Then was getting ready to go on the Wonder heroine coaster. There's actually a clone of Wonder Heroine in Great America. It's shorter & a mirror image. In reality, riding a coaster might end up a bucket list item. The last ride was over 20 years ago & lions didn't do well. They just closed their eyes & missed most of it. It was kind of a trick. The lion kingdom thought the IMAX ride was like a flight simulator & didn't realize it was supposed to be scary until it was too late.
Suspect knowing what's ahead for at least the 1st coaster would make it a lot easier. That could be the step up to make others easier. Wonder Heroine actually looks more extreme than Batman. It's longer & has more negative G's. Wonder heroine reaches 60mph & Batman reaches 50mph.
The mane problem is getting into any theme park is now over $100. The bottom line is Discovery Kingdom at $40 & it's the closest. Medusa & Joker are the scariest rides. They don't allow cameras on any rides, hence all the videos are from 10 years ago & no vloggers have any ride footage. Coasterforce makes most of the videos these days & they have special permission. It might be possible to get a selfie with the right watch.
The testing grind with Cinelerra revealed a curious artifact dating back to 2006. Playback is faster through the virtual console than in direct mode when using opengl. If it's faster in the virtual console, it should always be faster in direct mode so there must be a malfunction. The problem is it has to read the frame into RAM, then put it into a texture, then put it on the screen. The RAM stage uses a colormodel determined by the file handler & the video driver. The quicktime reader uses the codec to determine the colormodel. The ffmpeg reader always uses YUV888. If the FileMOV::get_colormodel function doesn't contain the codec, it defaults to an RGB conversion in software.
Another artifact was that all the vertical flips had to be disabled except 1 flip when drawing to the screen. Even nested EDL's didn't need any flips.
Finally, playback has to be stopped & restarted to move fade out of 100. It doesn't automatically switch to virtual console mode without restarting playback. Not sure that's a showstopper.
Sadly, there's still a big difference in framerate between RGBA float & YUV888 so the colorspaces still matter. In 4k, it's the difference between 30fps & 10fps.
Playing back or seeking around the timeline while rendering now corrupts the output. The video device has to exclude dual writes when it's rendering & detect which writer is writing.
Anyways, Rossguy got hired by the FUTO project. What lions found interesting is the insistence nowadays that everyone be physically located in Austin. They show 3 grants being awarded this year to open source projects. They entail moving to Austin, getting housing covered & $20,000 to survive. All the software lions have ever used was written in dorm rooms in remote areas. Alan Cox working on Cyrix support in his loft is a famous story. FUTO shows itself funding the same kind of dry software development & file management projects that were being done 25 years ago.
Cinelerra is a bad project to fund with grants because that kind of stuff requires doing what you're told to do, writing software by committee, keeping up with fads, politics, bloat, answering "how do you use a makefile" 50 times a day. What lions have always invested in is something useful but not very popular. The FUTO theme is rebelling against the establishment, but really to access large amounts of money, there's always an establishment. The community is the establishment & their goals are always going to be the same as FAANG. They just want another FAANG managed by different people. Lions aren't convinced there's any value in replicating the same thing with a different group of people.
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