Another Rossguyism is he won't bang women from another country. He may not be aware of the importance of higher status, but he does know the difference between wanting to get out of a shithole & really being in love. Lions just know of the clashes from different cultural experience & the desire for survival being mistaken for love.
Anyways, the mane's favorite ice cream now being $7 & the mane's favorite cookies now being $5 was a big jump from June. There will be a big inflation reading in August if these prices don't go down. Interestingly, the mane's favorite lettuce decreased in price, so we might be seeing a concentration in grain & animal products rather than plants. That could be because of Ukraine being destroyed.
Lion body mass decreased back to its happy place, mid 160's. It's very noticeable when climbing hills. The mane problem is the increased awareness of different foods & decreased opportunity cost of buying stuff when it's doubling every month.
A few more sliders installed on the platform to support the shelf. The legs of the standing desk actually extend 27" so it would have been wider than the 24" table even if it used the 24" panel. The lion kingdom was satisfied that the only way to have airflow was by using the 60"x30" panel & putting a fan on it.
Sounds gross but lions found most single mothers with daughters to be taken for this reason. Men want to bang the middle aged daughters of single mothers. It's very common.
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