Democrat survival tip: use your shirt as a grocery bag to avoid paying the grocery bag tax.

Started Resident Evil 2016 with middle aged mane tuft Jovovovova & middle aged Larter.  Sadly, final cut pro was new so they had to use the largest number of short edits possible.

The lion kingdom noted stonks had a boom week from 31k to 32k while at the same time China dumped a lot of US's bonds.  Maybe they bought stonks.  Traditionally, China buys bonds to increase the number of Bide bucks & make it easier for US to buy their crap.  If they sell bonds, it should be like reducing quantitative easing.  The fed balance sheet took another step up, though the long term is still expected to be down.

Lions are still pessimistic in that 32k is the point where most 401k's automatically rebalance.  We had a similar melt up in June before the fed rate hike & that pummeled stonks.  Of course, lions are undeniably overly conservative & believe any downside now is going to be minor compared to what we already saw.  Not that there isn't going to be another 10% downside, but definitely not more than what already happened.

The pros have priced in a certain amount of quantitative tightening followed by a return to easy money.  Quantitative tightening is not here to stay because there's too much labor.


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