Wonder Hussy's sister appeared on camera for the 1st time & holy hairpieces it's like seeing a clone wandering around. Originally thought her sister was morbidly obese because #1, she doesn't want to be on camera, #2 she had massive food poisoning, #3 she has a day job & doesn't travel anywhere, #4 she doesn't live with a man. In reality, she's a hottie.
The big question is what the 2 of them do for satisfaction out in the middle of nowhere. Hussy always mentions the coming & going of boyfriends. Do the 2 sisters battle over men? She mentioned having a mortgage on that $1/2 million house. If they hit it off & move out, they would have to abandon their share of the mortgage. Obviously, Hussy's boyfriends are all long distance relationships. Suspect they're much older, since she's only pictured around much older men.
Interestingly, she said there wasn't enough money to pave the porch, which makes one wonder how leveraged home owers really are. If it's $1/2 million & manely paid off as the media says most homes are, the pavement isn't anything. The government doesn't report how leveraged home owers are. It only reports number of sales & price.
Anyways, lions only know 3 years ago Eminence FrontX5 was making a bunch of vijeos with her. Then he suddenly disappeared around the same time she says she ended a bad relationship & got set to leave Las Vegas.
The fed might be heavily buying stonks, as we head back over a 32 handle. That was what lions believed was the equilibrium point anyway. The same questions are being asked as 2013, when the fed was heavily buying stonks.
If the lion kingdom gets laid off in the June timeframe next year, it may not have to pay any tax for the entire year. Layoffs in December have been the norm, which really suck.
The lion body part got chafed again, which is becoming more common in old age, & begs the question of how far an animal will go for satisfaction if he can't use his body part because of religion or chafing. The end game isn't a match made in heaven. One doesn't truly know how far animals will go for satisfaction until dating the attainable women. It seems animals will go quite far, raising step kids, becoming car dependent, winning the bread, giving up their hair, giving up 2/3 of their net worth, getting fat.
The mane has chosen. After 3 miserable years, it finally voted down the metal bristles. The metal bristles were better at detangling, but caused a lot of protests.
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