Lions just never felt the magic from Jim Cameraman's blue smurf characters. Maybe mocap really had obliviated the need for real animals or he went down George Lucas's path of extreme technology endorsement at the expense of common sense. He could have picked more relatable models besides the smurfs. He's at the point in a showman's life when he's successful enough to do whatever he wants & the audiences just hit like because he's the Cameraman.
Constant rain didn't allow any runs to the theater when it was on. Lions won't be reduced to driving to watch a movie in a theater, unless it's in a real schmick theater like the Oakland dome theater. The already brutal task of sitting through 30 minutes of trailers before generally sitting for 2 hours is only made up for by the run to the theater.
An epiphany that hit lions is the most positive times were when they were alone. The most positive times are what became nostalgia. Requited love or fulfilled longing for another animal did not turn into nostalgia. They were positive times, but the most positive times that became nostalgia were the alone times.
The times lions long for when they're having hard times tend to be the mid 80's summers alone, late 90's XMases alone, early 2000's electronicals projects alone. The next nostalgia event might have been long runs through the city at night.
When lions are alone, they tend to imagine the world they crave. When they're not alone, they're always coping with the christian social order.
What's desperately missing from the gootubes are reviews & rankings of vijeos like what used to be done for movies. Gootube videos are the 1st content to have no other ranking except purely by software & the result is a flood of absolute trash. There is no Roger Ebert for gootube.
2 recent vijeos stood out as exceptional.
The Pacific crest trail memoir & the childhood bedroom vijeos were some of the few lions could theoretically watch again.
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