The big thing these days is investing in a house with a domestic partner. Millennials do it less than 1 year into their relationships. The few generation Xers still online tell of continuing to partly own a house with their ex husbands that each of them takes turns living in, like a timeshare. Each of them spends most of their time in rentals. The big implication of this is they're using 3x more housing than they would if the marriage worked.
The other thing pushing up housing demand is most families being very large combinations of 2 marriages. The kids from 2 families often live under 1 roof so they need a lot more space.
Investing in a house with a domestic partner sounds a lot like financial desperation. 1st marriage went away because it became a financial risk. Now domestic partners are becoming financial risks.
Feels like 2003 again. APY is back in the lexicon.
Lions don't see an end to capitalism so no, there isn't going to be a stonk market crash permanently wiping out the fortunes of all & permanently laying everyone off. What is happening is what lions predicted last year, a slow meltdown. The balance sheet & relatively high interest rates are a double headwind even with the end of inflation now declared & no further interest rate hikes coming. The fed will put the fear of god in traders, eventually cause some kind of crash, then resume printing money.
Higher interest rates are causing animals to exit the stonk market in search of higher returns. Banks are advertising 4% for the 1st time in 20 years. Betterment started selling 4% savings accounts after years of automatically enrolling members in large stonk positions. The recommendation of the day is to get out of stonks & make money in savings accounts, as it was in 2003. The trick is it's not because of any structural problem but an artificial distortion that can be easily reversed. Trends like this are when it's better to play the contrarian move.
A long term stonk market decline of just 20% would be enough to cause the bullshit labor statistics office to show deflation, giving the fed the green light to loosen, so lions don't see a massive long term decline coming. The trick with inflation is the government can print infinite amounts of money as long as ratio of money to stuff stays the same. The ratio of money to houses has grown, so the bullshit labor statistics office doesn't count houses as inflation. The amount of stuff they count as inflation is just going to keep growing & the government is going to continue waging a war against deflation.
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