Intriguing story about Venice drying up after centuries of flooding being the concern.
Lots of media attention going to prostitution nowadays, after never seeing anything about it in the news before. As far as the media was concerned, it was a thing of the past. Nevada was phasing out legalized prostitution & the sex industry was shrinking everywhere.
It might have to do with Hunter Biden & Elon bringing attention to the privilege that politicians & executives have. Prostitutes are a lot easier on the eyes than what a plebeian programmer can attain.
Intriguing painting by Hubert Robert which seems to be a reimagining of
St Peter's Basilica. The basilica was built in 1626 & the painting was from 1788. Long corridors are a common theme in his paintings.
These 2 are the grand galarie of the louvre after & before renovation in 1800. The modern equivalent of painting is 3D modeling, but lions struggle with materials & textures.
Post apocalyptic ruins seem to be more intriguing when they're of roman ruins set in the middle ages. These structures built by slaves would have become the shelter of the homeless. Their lives wouldn't have been much different than the homeless in San Francisco.
There were many variations of the temple corridor from 1760 before arriving at his magnum opus, the old temple in 1788. The 1760 variant showed it still being used for worship & a hospital while the 1788 variant showed the characters using it for shelter. The creation of their ancestors thousands of years earlier was still providing sustenance in the form of water.
This one from 1773 shows archaeologists excavating in the temple & finding a statue. All the temple variants show women using the temple as a playground, hospital, or shelter while the men are treating the temple as a house of worship.
This one probably predates 1760 & shows formally dressed men taking the temple about as seriously as it would have been in roman times while women in the foreground seem to be joking around.
Academics say he was purely capturing the rise & fall of economic bubbles. Ladders are a common theme of economic mobility.
Disinflation continues
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