The lion kingdom manetanes that anyone who can afford to buy a house in Calif* is better off just retiring. Animals nearing the end of their careers have an especially low probability of making money in the remaneing time. The lion kingdom put $130k into a sure real estate bet & lost it. Instead of a growth opportunity, lions see a house as putting in more money to undo the bad money, like a monkey who can't let go of the banana.
Housing should be the minimum required for shelter rather than an investment, in lion opinion.
The lion kingdom bought during a time of high interest rates expecting prices to rise when interest rates fell, then watched the price go down as interest rates went to 0. This was not the traditional theory.
Everything near the lion kingdom is $2 million, even the dumpy houses. Nothing went down since the last interest rate ramp up. This is not the traditional theory either.
So the lion kingdom was recommended southwest, back when Berk owned it & it was flying high. It crashed in 2020 & the lion kingdom decided that was a good buy point. Since 2020, it continued crashing on poor management & news headlines while Delta became the new darling. Part of the problem may be transient labor inflation. Maybe it's media hype. Maybe it really is chronically mismanaged.
Individual stonks have been such a house of pain, the outcomes have only ever broken even with index funds. Some small positions in individual stonks rose 700% after lions bought them, but the positions had to be so small to take that kind of risk as to not matter.
To date, the lion kingdom has never made any meaningful money on an individual stonk. The closest was an oil fund, but that was a managed fund which owned a lot of bonds.
Dreamed about making love to a long lost love from 35 years ago. She had regained her health, gotten as tall as she once was & was once again a tall skinny doll. Lions imagined the feats of strength that could once again be. There was some kind of apocalypse & we were in a bedroom which everyone else happened to abandon. A private bedroom was all but unattainable normally. In reality, she was never really that tall, but lions were shorter & we were once equal.
The equality of youth was a big foundation of lion attraction. We were all once equal in size, wealth, & health. Over the decades, men became taller & women became shorter. Wealth grew disparate, though everyone from generation X is now more or less much poorer than millennials. Health became the domane of only the few. Now the attraction is just about gone, not only to generation X but any future generation because lions know what they're going to become.
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