Not all billionaires had their pick of supermodels. It makes lions wonder, as animals obsessed with Titanic, would a lion have gone if offered a free trip.  A lion would definitely not have paid for it. 

Lions have turned back from many less sketchy things.  The democratization of Titanic can only go so far.  The idea of being in such a small space with 4 guys, so far down would have been too much.  It wouldn't have gotten to the point of whether it was a safe design.

Generation X vs millennials

Another swing & a miss the battle of the real ID.  The mane problem is they require 2 paper documents showing Calif* residency.  PDF files won't do. Lions don't receive any paper bills anymore & don't have a paper car insurance card anymore.  On top of that, they also do the full vision test & photo.  The lion kingdom guessed its way through but will need another eye exam before the next attempt.

Unfortunately, the other documents in the real ID process are continually expiring so the process gets more difficult over time.  After watching security dances evolve over 50 years of terrorist attacks, lions always figured real ID would be obsolete before it ever got enforced. 

The end of the shortcuts.  The new bridge is going to extend 1/4 mile on either side.  Lions rarely crossed the bowling alley there because it took so long.

Having lost the shortcut, the bridge will open up new routes between the south side of the complex & the northern territory.  It was previously too long to bother with any route that crossed bowling alley.  Interval training might start farther north without being interrupted, but it might have to slow down to climb a hill.  The routes to homeless despot, Target could start from the south side.  Bowling alley is such a traffic nightmare, all crossings of bowling alley might end up replaced by the bridge.


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