Dreamed about living in a large house on a lot of forested land in Calif*, where the homeless situation was particularly acute. Knew there were homeless living in the forest but not where.  Pondered the chances of the house getting broken into.

At some point, the homeless either snuck in or were let in & were around the house.  Some of them were world class 20 year old hotties.  Was making love to them & felt how strong they were.  There was also a 20 year old guy with a mane.  Then was faced with a need to get them out of the house again.  The parents were still living there & were waking up. 


The limiting factor on the lion kingdom's career is going to be the parent's longevity.  When they die or when they can't take care of the property anymore, they're going to sell the entirety of it to someone else or sell their portion to the lion kingdom.  That's going to happen in the next 10 years.  The preferred option now is just to buy their portion.  It might be possible to continue working remotely for a while but not for very long.  It might be more cost effective to stop working before moving since the move would entail several weeks offline.

Their vision was the lion kingdom transitioning to a minimum wage job to live there, but lions just don't see the point.  The lion kingdom's financial goals probably aren't attainable in the remaneing time & definitely won't be met by minimum wage. 

 It's unfortunate that the lion kingdom's career would come to this, but it's a consequence of buying land.  Selling it all would allow lions to keep working, but there would be a large tax hit & it would be very expensive to convert the cash into another house in a better location.

A lion would probably get used to living there, waking up early & driving to run, not having vast public trails.  It's just luck that finances were good enough for moving there to be an option at all.

What other animals consider a walkable neighborhood is 1 mile from a lone CVS &  nothing like what lions had for the last 23 years.  Being sandwiched between a bunch of Wallies, Targs, Safeways, & dollar stores was a luxury.


The only reason Event Horizon ended up on the hard drive was the ship looking like a face & of course the blondie hottie.  There were some other intriguing visuals that looked like egyptian artifacts.  Despite the 90's fascination with concentric ring machines, lions see no use for them. 

Always intriguing when something so bronze age looking is run by a modern crew as if it was business as usual.  No-one got impaled on the spikes.  That was a shocker.

The general idea is the ship traveled to hell by creating a black hole.  Then it brought back a spirit from hell.  Of course, they could send the spirit back to hell by detaching the head from the ship & sending the ship back to the black hole.  This ignored the fact that they only had 20 hours of oxygen.  Maybe it was the rescue ship that only had 20 hours of oxygen.

The spirit only inhabited the gravity drive in the back.


It's gone, not 10 years after it got recliners & the lion kingdom watched the Martian in 3D on a small, dim screen.  Lions imagined romantic outings there but never attained anything in real life.  There were romantic outings in Hacienda crossings & that might have been enough.  What really mattered in those visions was the trip to the theater.


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