Dreamed about buying a gun & then ending up near some public gathering with it, shooting at some walls & furniture, having trouble controlling it, wondering who was going to repair the damage, then trying to smuggle it out without getting discovered. Eventually took it apart after a long period of not finding a use for it. Noted how heavy it was despite being made of plastic.
Today, we live in the world invented in the early 2000's. In the early 2000's, we lived in the world invented in the 80's. In the 80's we lived in the world invented in the 60's. That's how lions would describe the pace at which something goes from being just possible to being affordable & common. It also takes 20 years to discover what product of a time is really useful. It takes 20 years for modern construction projects to finish.
It's quite obvious that close up vision improves after many days of wearing contacts, if only because the lens muscles get exercised more in that direction. The confuser monitor slowly evolved to the same ideal distance as 30 years ago. Muscle exercise similarly causes distant vision to improve by not wearing contacts. Fortunately, the effect is only temporary. The improvement in distant vision is less extreme because lions manely stare at a confuser monitor.
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