Dreamed about being in this spot, seeing the towers in the distance, hazy & warped in the boiling air of a hot day. In reality, there would never be a desert style boiling air. It was too close to the ocean so it was manly hazy from water vapor.
There were past dreams about running through the corridors, but they were endless, separated by many copies of the original elevator sections. They were always crowded with partiers. The lion would end up waiting for an elevator. Another dream had a lion heading to the east edge of IV on the way home during sunset.
Although the original towers still stand, there was a big expansion in 2015. The parking lot was replaced by more housing. The massive bike farm & grass area was replaced by a new cafeteria.
Intriguing that the bus stop where the lion kingdom's 1st school day away from home began is still there. Those days were a successful failure but it's surprising no-one else wanted to remember their time there either. Ego Monger scrubbed it from all her media. Trophy Wife was miserable. Lions still consider it the finest real estate in the world, though living conditions & the crime rate might be a low point.
As sad as it was to leave, many classmates similarly left after 1 year & weren't sad about it. Lions manely remember 1 who transferred to Pomona.
The Goog reveals the rooms are amazingly still really cramped doubles & 2 rooms are still joined by the horrendous toilet shower area.
The original bathroom had a narrow rusted toilet stall on 1 side of the doors & a narrow bathtub on the other side. Lions pondered who ever took a bath in that. The middle was a narrow passage lit by a dim amber fluorescent light.
They at least replaced this with a brighter LED light & removed the rusted metal partitions. The toilet & shower now lie on 1 side, so an animal can't pass through when the toilet is in use. Not quite roughing it as it was 30 years ago, but you got used to the rough life.
Would have thought they switched to common bathrooms for each floor or made them all singles. The trend elsewhere was towards more space, but it might have structurally required the original floorplan.
Interesting to note minor changes, the sink being moved to the inner side.
Bunk beds replaced the floor level beds. Storage above the desks & shelves were removed. This might have been an earthquake mitigation. The windows are still the same ones from 30 years ago.
Interesting to note the primitive steel tie rod above the light, the only relic besides the window from the lion era. It's the kind of unimproved thing that would have been done in the dark ages.
It was built in 1966 for the baby boomers. Lions knew this fact, but it was a lot less old, 30 years ago. Quite a contrast to today when we had another baby boom but no new housing. It was bought by the state in 2002, which must have provided the renovation money. It must have been quite unbearable by then.
The catalyst for the buyout might have been a deranged student killing 4 with his car in 2001. That also must have triggered the name change. The goog doesn't even show any results for francisco torres anymore.
Was the place always haunted? There are a lot of students in there eternally wasted, a lot of financial uncertainty, or a lot of students just there for a year to earn a transfer & get the hell out. Lions remember the last morning there before departing, how it was foggy, the june gloom was getting started, & how gloomy it might have been in summer.
Lions had a lot of alcohol during that time & it might have been the most alcohol in lion history. A lot of that time might have been spent in a haze. At least the experience showed lions could take a lot of alcohol without getting addicted.
An original plan from 1966 called for 2 more towers.
So easy to forget your current situation & get completely transported back to the past. Old lion would advise young lion to run a marathon, tell young lion Ego Monger was going to marry a rich CEO, that young lion didn't exist to someone like that, that old lion was going to be alone & not hate it as much as feared, but young lion's brain was generally doing what it knew how to do to survive with incomplete information.
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