Don't kid yourself. US is a 1 party system. Unless something is drastically wrong with the 1 campaign, they always vote democrat. Even as bad as H-Rod was, they still voted for her. Ordering renters to provide $25,000 subsidies to new home owners is basically ordering them to pay what was an entire down payment 20 years ago. Surely if they could afford these entitlements for home owers, they would have bought houses themselves. They formerly required the high school dropouts to pay $50,000 in student loan forgiveness to Harvard graduates. Calif* requires renters to provide a $150,000 subsidy to new home owners or about the total cost of a house 20 years ago. Amerikans just want the Calif* way of life for all. If you don't like how wealth is redistributed from poor to rich in Calif*, you're not going to like the rest of US. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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