Repairing a Brother HL2040, rent vs own

 The internet had some ideas for repairing the lion kingdom's 20 year old printer.  The journey begins by removing the toner cartridge & a couple screws on the right side.

Then remove the back door, starting with the hinge on the left side, then sliding off the right hinge.  The left hinge comes off with no force when it's fully open.

Then the right panel comes off.  Pop the front off 1st, then pop the back off.

Then undo a spring.

While we're inside, examine the brain board.  It has a lot of defunct early 2000 brands.

The offending part in a double feeding error is a lever that gets stuck to a piece of foam which has liquefied.

The internet recommends covering the foam piece with paper.  The paper sticks to the foam adhesive.

While this did stop the printer from double feeding, the 1st page always jams.  Other bits have perished.  It still works with manual feeding.


 Dreamed about a school bus, thinking we had to pay a fare & forgetting we didn't back in the day.  Then was playing a piano with only 5 octaves again. Haven't done that in 30 years.


The A's finally arranged a move out of Oakland after a 20 year battle.  Their new park is a minor league park.  It seems to be 1 step away from being officially demoted to a minor league team.  Lions never went to another baseball game after the 1988 season.  3 hours was an amount of time lions couldn't afford to spend sitting in a stadium.  It kind of shows how much faster the world became in the last 40 years for 3 hours to now be an unaffordable amount of time & how valuable every second became.

The modern leagues seem too big & profit focused but the leagues 40 years ago were also expanded in the 1960's.  4 more teams were added in the 1990's.  Then there's the fact that the standings reset every year, though there might be some rollover in the form of traded players.

To adult lion, the rules & organization of team sports seem a bit manufactured.  To child lion, they seemed to be absolute.  The revelation that it was a fabrication might have been witnessing the founding of the X games.  Ironic that lions became the tiny fraction of their age group still in any kind of sport.


Reviewing FL*rida real estate trends, being manely 2nd homes for snow birds & most of the full timers not being employed have made it extremely volatile.  They can just leave whenever they want.  Other states have more stable real estate because more of the houses are primary residences & the animals have to stay to have a job. 

If lions lose their mobility in the next 5 years, cheaper options in the midwest could open up.  It's going to be weird surrendering the lion kingdom's entire net worth to a rich millennial.

Lions could probably retire more easily by renting tiny apartments & moving every time the rent increased or just picking the cheapest rent stabilized apartment regardless of jobs.  They could live out their lives in the same lifestyle they had during summer & winter breaks in school.   The savings not drained on a down payment would stay accessible & less volatile.  


Rent vs own in a nutshell:

Gubment is resorting to more dramatic interest rate swings to service its debt.  Real estate & bonds are not the stable alternatives they were 40 years ago.

100% of your net worth has to be concentrated in 1 thing.

No way to recover the equity in pieces.  It has to be sold at once & the applicable tax paid in 1 year.

Once the equity is recovered, you're back to renting.

Houses can double & triple, but it takes significant skill, luck, & patience to get those returns compared to other investments. 

The real problem is the cheapest rent today is the same as Calif*, 25 years ago.  $1200 or $15k per year is pretty manageable without working.  In 25 years, maybe the cheapest will be $3000.  Maybe it won't.  Maybe there will always be a $1200 apartment somewhere & a lion could keep moving.

The big attraction to real estate seems to be social status & winning respect from a lot of animals who don't give 3 shits of a fuck about you & vote liberal 1 day a year while practicing medeival christianity the other 364 days.


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