Surprisingly low, given the end of pensions, rise of automatic enrollment & Dave Ramsey.  Obviously, bull markets increase the percentages in stonks.  Most stonks lost half their value in 2008 but a lot of animals sold off because of the news cycles.  Most of their money is still probably in their houses.  It probably has a ways to go before the crash.

When NVDA finally cracked, everyone else went up.  It was a horizontal trade.  Other headlines were increased stonk buybacks, despite supposedly tight money supply.  


Generation X's average 401k surpassed baby boomers at over 1/2 million.  Lions are nowhere close to average, but probably managed to get above median.  Most everyone who stayed continuously employed since 2010 & was even conservatively invested probably broke the average.  Fidelity is always suspiciously high.  Depending on the search terms, the average is below $200k or above 1/2 mil.  


$82k to $718k for a software engineer. $175k to $233k for a firmware engineer. That was in 2022. It's probably higher now. The lion kingdom's tiny startups are nowhere close to even the very bottom.

Important to note what roles make that much.  The $718k guy might be for a critical back end that makes most of their revenue & which keeps the guy from sleeping.  They also have to commute 3 days per week, for now.  Lions would have to give up a lot to do that again.

Jobs which require commuting are always going to pay more than remote jobs.  It's a fact of physics, as pointless as commuting is. 

After all the random things lions made, it's hard to believe none of them would have been economically viable & none of them qualified for even the bottom of the goog pay range.  Lions have never done what they were told.  The most harmful influence was a saying that it's just as hard to make something no-one needs as something everyone needs.  What the industry tells us to do & pays the most for is usually what no-one needs while lions tend to work on what everyone needs.


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