2000 civic car radio revival, cinelerra screencap
Have noted the rise of the ubiquitous subtitle. They've become essential in every video nowadays, for boosting engagement. The more dynamic & animated the better. The trend has been animating the current word. Some just draw 1 word with animation. The normal way might be auto generating them. These aren't the kinds of users who are going to manually enter subtitles & keyframe every word.
Noted the subtitle track & the amount of work kdenlive had invested in subtitles. That showed they were important, but the mane way they're being created is automation now. That's the kind of thing you'd want in a standalone program with an intermediate file format. Automated subtitles still often suck, blanking without enough time to read them.
The mane motivation for subtitles was scrolling. You don't want to have audio from every video start & stop while scrolling so scrolling made subtitles the king. We've gone from video supplanting text to new forms of video supplanting old forms of video.
This has implications for an expansion of screencap support. It was decided to try to print the keyboard & button state near the cursor, which is kind of a subtitle. The big question is where. It looks like screencap needs a general blit routine to overlay the cursor & text in the different color spaces. It goes directly from BGR8888 to YUV before overlaying the cursor in YUV, to speed it up. As the amount of overlaying increases, it might need to overlay in BGR8888 since the speedup from a tiny cursor is nothing.
Screencap currently only supports output to YUV420, YUV444, RGB888 intermediates. It's only going to support what has a rationale. YUV420 is useful for capturing video. YUV 444 is necessary for GUI's. RGB888 is more compatible.
It was decided to put the screencap extension on hold. The problem is there wouldn't be a user base & no-one watches any of the videos it makes anyways. The text formatting would rely on a lot of hard coding. In fact, it might be best to hard code the font size. It would be a kind of apple feature.
There's also a desire to make a freetype class to manage the goofy extents. Rather than making a global font registry, the titler should cache all the font icons.
Further advancing the screencap extension, the biggest problem is capturing all the X inputs. xinput --test-xi2 is the current way to do it. There's an incomplete C example of the setup.
It has to use select in BC_Capture to drain the event buffer & probably needs root.
chatgpt had an easy time creating examples for capturing input events. The problem is drawing the input events. Freetype isn't part of Guicast. The input events would be drawn in the X11 driver.
Mouse buttons would require theme images with ugly scaling. Key presses would use freetype. Freetype looks good because it uses vector graphics. That might be the way for mouse buttons.
Ideally, freetype would draw the mouse buttons but differentiating those would take up space. All the key events would be drawn near the pointer. If the pointer wasn't visible, they would draw in the center. The general idea is it would be ugly, simple & functional for a program no-one uses.
Most animals nowadays are using OBS for making screencaps. They're not drawing keypresses & only partially drawing mouse buttons. They draw a circle when dragging. As of last year, it only had an option to capture the cursor without scaling.
honda 39100-s01-a210 teardown
There has been an agenda to remove the Pioneer car radio & put back the OEM car radio ever since the Pioneer motor died & it would no longer close the CD door. The problem is the spiders & the need to remove the entire center console to access the radio.
Another option is to somehow disable the gearing which keeps the CD door open. It has some flimsy levers which could be ground off. It's believed a gear inside just cracked over time & no longer grabs a motor shaft.
It had quite good EQ when playing from CD or radio, but disabled the EQ for aux input. Since the laser diode failed & the lion kingdom's aux player died, it's just been a radio.
The Pioneer has some sentimental value, just for its OLED display & its EQ.
Even by 1999, the Honda had nothing but an SOC & a common chip amplifier inside. It has an AUX input. Even with an effort to expose the AUX input, lions haven't had an aux player in years. It has absolutely no EQ for anything. It might be possible to EQ the aux in software.
3 screws hold the top panel in place. Then slight leverage is required to free 2 tabs from the front panel.
The Rch+, Lch+ seem to be the AUX inputs. E252, E251 connect to the AUX inputs. E250, E253 are the AUX GND.
A 3 wire molex routed out a hole in the back & down under the radio might do it. Young lion made an adapter to connect the OEM connector to the Pioneer. You wouldn't want to mess with a PIE adapter. It could also use a 12V output to avoid having to use the cigarette lighter. Having such a big hole in the console isn't appealing though.
Pretty sure CHG +B is the ignition 12V & +B is the standby 12V. An ideal aux player would have +B to store its state, but it could get by with a supercap. Sadly, there's no more documentation on the 24 year old pinouts & no-one knows how to power it up on the bench.
The front panel has 6 more tabs in addition to its 2 screws. The tabs could stand to be ground off.
There's a small space in the bottom right a small cable could go through. The alignment pin could be disposable. The trick is the wire has to zigzag to get around the traces. It was kinked the living daylights out of & the audio GND pin is no more. It's kind of a useless upgrade, considering all modern radios have multiple inputs.
The next time this wiring will see daylight is the junkyard. There are no more replacement radios. It's not the only thing in this car which is no longer available & probably going to die. The heater fan is overdue to die. The foam parts have all perished.
The document lions used to replace the radio 20 years ago is long gone. There's a new one with a video: https://honda-tech.com/how-tos/a/honda-civic-how-to-install-car-stereo-377993
It shows some perished foam for the air ducts which needs to be replaced. Decided to document the farsteners in the civic which have to be undone.
We have 2 over the DC output.
1 under the driver side panel.
A tab over the driver side panel.
2 under the driver side panel.
2 under the glove compartment.
4 more under the head unit. The head unit still has 3 tabs to disengage above the vents, which can be disengaged by pushing the radio from behind or levering the head unit panel.
Finally, we have the antenna, radio, HVAC, hazard light connectors. The hazard, HVAC, & radio have push tabs to disengage. The HVAC are the hardest to access, but both young & old lion were agile enough to disengage them before taking out the head unit or cutting any zip ties. The metal could use a covering to prevent chafing.
The head unit now slid out, as young lion did 20 years ago.
All the bits have to come off to access the radio.
The bare panel can be washed.
Driving across the country would best be done with an aux player. Past studies showed making a player with modern parts, which worked as well as rockbox would be pretty hard.
Tearing down the car reminded old lion that young lion tore down & reassembled the head unit in a single night, without a headlamp, between commutes. Of course, he didn't do any cleaning, documenting, or foam replacement.
It seems B+, CHG B+ are always on. The ACC is the ignition power.
Once the OEM radio could be tested in the car, the previous hack wouldn't enable the AUX input, no matter what. Only the 20 pins on the left go to the car. The 14 pins on the right go to an accessory & it needs to detect if an accessory is connected.
Only the 8 speaker wires, B+, GND, ILLUMI, ILLUMI CONTROL, ACC are connected to the car. The car biases ACC to 12V to turn on the radio but how much current ACC has is unknown.
This turns ACC on the accessory pins to 12V. BUS goes to 12V & pulses to 0. It uses BUS to detect an AUX input. It uses either the AVC-lan or ga-net protocol. It rebroadcasts an RS-232 message every few seconds. All source code for it has perished. There were some hacks without source code to get AUX in working on a Toyota.
You can get some source code from archive.org for a toyota. There were no hacks to get AUX working in a Honda. Without source code or example hardware, it's an impossible dream.
There could be an outboard patch cable to select radio or aux. Sadly, the audio traces for the radio are under the board & it has single use steel straps. They did everything possible to prevent non honda audio sources.
Given the routine manetenance costs & the fact that it was a failure of the Pioneer, there could be a used tape player for sniffing the protocol. It might be easier to build a complete radio from scratch.
Any fix for the Pioneer door is going to be temporary at best. Given the rarity of driving, it might have to go back to just a radio. An FM transmitter should be a no brainer for a long drive.
The fact is lions just had radio for 6 years, then had just mp3 for 10 years, then just radio again for 8 years. Nowadays, there is no longer any mp3 player as good as rockbox & lions have never had enough incentive to write one. Lions just don't drive enough anymore & running became the mane listening time 10 years ago. Lions might want to be like Rossguy, but only listening time is in his car. So there's a big incentive to print a TPU plug for the new hole & abandon any modifications.
All the audio processing is in the TDA7313. The big old Alpine chip could be just driving the tuner. All you have to do is pull out a couple resistors to make a patch cable. The TDA7313 takes I2C configuration. A cunning lion with lots of commuting time could make an I2C bridge that injected alternative input selections but the only justifiable solution is a patch cable.
The patch cable was daringly soldered in with the solder mask for insulation. There wasn't enough room to fit a power cable through, though the patch cable might have done with only 1 ground.
The vents got new foam & double sided tape.
The patch cable is noisy but it works. The phone has to be maximum volume to overcome the noise.
With the OEM radio restored, there's no way to get the cubby hole out without taking apart the entire head unit again. It fits a lot more tightly than the Pioneer & probably needs to lose the foam. When the phone holder needs to be refurbished again, it's going to be ugly.
It might come out just by applying enough force from behind & letting the foam shred.
Young lion had a quiet fascination with high end car stereos & could never imagine owning one with a remote control, so there was always the idea that the Pioneer would live again as a home stereo or a museum piece. It would be more practical to make a complete car radio from scratch than try to restore it.
As the teardown proceeded, it became clear that it was a parts recovery rather than a repair. It was never going to be used again & modern OEM car radios were always going to be lightyears beyond anything young lion could imagine.
The next home stereo is probably going to be a home made 6 channel rather than a recycled car stereo. The surround sound & subwoofer are coming back as soon as lions don't have neighbors.
It was quite dense inside, with the tuner, CD, amplifier, & front panel robotics. The CD module had a lot of bumpers pushing up & springs pulling down to create vibration isolation. Noted the CD mechanism had a lot of dirt. Maybe it just needed a cleaning & lubrication but it was always going to be high manetenance & the door was still dead. The amplifier part was just another common chip amplifier.
With the CD module removed, it was just another common car radio. All the robotics & electronics would have been designed by someone working 12 hour days in Tokorozawa's un airconditioned desk farm, eating rice in the cafeteria every day.
The auto loading CD mechanism was a mechanical marvel, but no different than Apple floppy drives from 1984.
For the door mechanism, we have just a DC motor & 2 switches encoding the position. The gears were still intact. The motor still opened & closed on 3V so it was probably wear in the switches.
Nothing of any immediate value was on the boards. There was a buzzer. The amplifier chip would be quite difficult to solder. Lion policy is to keep all the springs, but they're all expansion springs & not suitable for PLA. There's a 10Mhz crystal & probably a 32khz in the front panel. OLED's like the one in the panel are trivial nowadays.
Its animated pattern used to keep lions awake . Lions will miss seeing it change patterns during long drives at night & pondering why the cabin got brighter.
It used a lot of in house chips. Somewhere in Tokorozawa is a printed book of datasheets for all those proprietary chips. That was how Japanese corporations worked before Elon made it stylish again. Sadly, the in house chips were falling behind by 2001 & they had to lean on OEMs for digital TV.
The OLED will never work again. The color saturation of it reminded lions of their pet cat ornament from 40 years ago. It was 160x48 blue monochrome. The outside glass was 76x27.5mm. The pixel area was 70x16mm. Nothing currently made has those dimensions. There are similar size LCD panels but OLED seems to have died off.
1 advantage to vertical integration is undocumented parts. Fortunately, there is a datasheet for the amplifier. It could be a rebranded TDA7561.
It could probably work again by studying the traces & the datasheet. Lions would hook it up dead bug style. It has no obvious passives. It just connects directly to 4 speakers, 4 inputs, & power. The gain would have to be reverse engineered. Combined with another chip, it could become a 6 channel theater system.
The tuner was a nest of undocumented proprietary parts never to work again. Lions have only the 1 car radio & part of a walkman for radios now.
There's actually a service manual which shows how everything is hooked up but nothing on firmware or protocols.
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