An extensive redesign of Cinelerra's capture settings led to a dedicated input format menu & only 1 video4linux2 driver.  Widgets finally had to get more condensed to fit it all in .  Certain input formats lock the file format inside FormatTools::update_driver.

For other input formats, it tries to match the file codec with the video codec with calls to File::get_best_colormodel.  These have been programmed on a case by case basis so only a few cases are supported.  While young lion wanted a format agnostic program, the reality is it only ever needed 1 file format for recording & possibly a few more for rendering.  Recording always goes to an intermediate.  ffmpeg is bad at writing quicktime but it's good at everything else.  Quicktime & command line are the only 2 formats it needed for recording.


Tested against all the lion kingdom's video4linux2 devices.  The original PCI cards with TV tuners are all gone, but video4linux2 is alive & well with USB converters & webcams.  Strange that it evolved from just a single $25 bttv card, 25 years ago, to a multitude of gadgets costing a lot more.  They're just not used for as much time.

They all support MJPG single field.  There is no longer anything which supports MJPG 2 field or JPEG without headers.  Some support RGB.  Some laptops might use JPEG without headers.

 Logitech webcams, HDMI to USB, analog to USB, fisheye cam:  

    YUYV -> command line YUV 422P

    MJPG 1 field -> Quicktime JPEG

 Keychain cam:

    MJPG 1 field -> Quicktime JPEG

Frame rate of resolutions above 720x480 is higher with JPEG than YUYV.  The supported resolutions are a matter of experimentation with common values.

The only wrinkle in MJPG 2 field is it applied device->odd_field_first to swap the fields.   That was only handled in VDeviceV4L2JPEG::read_buffer.  VDeviceV4L2JPEG was otherwise scrapped.

According to Ben Heck, most software uses camera libraries with hard coded values based on camera brands.  Sadly, lions have never been able to afford the most common cameras so an implementation like this would get used by no-one.

Also, diagonal button, progress bar, & scroll widgets were finally made square after  20 years. It was an efficiency move.  The big thing now is round goog logos, but lions believe efficiency should be the goal.

The original hardware cropping is still there but not used for over 20 years. Video4linux2 really does support hardware cropping & lions assumed it would be commonly used.  It wasn't to be.  What's probably needed next is a way to display button & key presses in the screencap.


Toys continue hitting a home run in making up for rising housing inflation. 


 All things considered, the economy hasn't had any kind of a real boom since 1999.  There were somewhat better times in 2007, 2014, 2019 but lions were really hustling in those years without making any big gains.  There wasn't really an upswing after 2020, as much as the media wants Bide to look good. There was a recovery with really high inflation.  A lot of money got transferred to the rich who were heavily invested in assets.

In a real boom, you're going to have really high interest rates & really high stonk growth.  They're going to need high interest rates because labor has to be in high demand for it to be a boom.  That hasn't happened since 1999.  Neither have they been hitting the breaks to try to stabilize the economy.  They've had negative interest rates since 2004.

There have been stock market booms but not labor booms.  It definitely could be a case of automation making equity the primary way of making money instead of labor.

In some scenarios, lions may not see their 401k money again until after RMD's or age 75.  It would go into a roth IRA.  The taxable brokerage account along with social security may go all the way. 


Lions pondered the level of success & the contribution one has to make to the economy in order to own a house in Calif*.  The only way most animals can do it is with an inheritance, intergenerational wealth, being in a multigenerational house.  

The only reason most animals own houses in Calif* is for employment.  It's not profitable to work in most places as a renter.  So it requires a huge infusion of intergenerational wealth from before the job in order to get the job.  The job itself is a net loss when compared to the wealth required to get it.


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