Who knew John Sutter employed legal slavery in Calif* before 1850 & slavery of the natives continued to be legal in Calif* it seems until the civil war.  Sutter's fort was probably built by slaves, though their mane use seems to be agriculture.

Both Sutter & Marshall died penniless, despite discovering gold.  Sutter was heavily in debt trying to build businesses before the gold rush.  Apparently,  slavery wasn't a free lunch as there was no more labor to run their businesses after the gold rush.  They got driven off the 48000 acres the mexican government granted them in 1840.  It was not an enforceable grant after the mexican government surrendered.

Sutter's mill was never finished once the gold rush began.  They were not able to capture a profit from any of the gold on the land. Apparently, it was still capital intensive & risky to mine for gold.  Most profit was made by supplying the miners.

The great challenge with Calif* is keeping the money after winning it.  It's certainly easy enough to make a lot of money in the modern Calif* gold rush that Calif* animals could be more prone to losing it than animals who made it in Ohio.

Lions could imagine a lot of instant multi millionaires draining all their savings into a house to try to double it, then losing it.  It has never happened.  All their home equity is sitting pretty.  A lot of them put all their Calif* earnings in the stonk market, rental properties, bitcoin, private equity because it was easy to make it.

Stories like Sutter/Marshall are why lions are overly conservative.  Lions came to Calif* with very minimal goals of just easier employment.  Most animals come to get rich.


With enough planning & supplies, it can be done.  Did it without the metronome & at 9 min/mile, a pretty big effort to try to offset reduced distance.  It still remanes a dream to be able to do this every day again.  It would either take massively slowing down or massively reduced distance to do it every day again.  

Approaching the 1 year ETA until race day, a marathon with 13 miles of 10 minute pace running & 13 miles of 16 minute pace walking seems to be the goal.  It could be 13 miles of running followed by 13 miles of walking or alternating every mile.  The lion kingdom is just focused on finishing.

Eat your curds & whey.


The current LLM craze is like the dialup craze of early internet. You will get only text after years of promises of a superhighway & like it.


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