Noted dragging edit handles was creating edits in the plugins since the razor tool came. It was previously optimizing contiguous plugins. This must have been taken out.
It got a new dedicated optimizer just for dragging edit handles.
Started pondering the idea of replacing all the time values in the EDL with double precision seconds. Previous ideas were replacing them with nanoseconds. It's not possible to replace the time units in the plugins. Just doing it in the EDL seems viable. That would lock audio & video edits together.
Playback would convert all the floating point times to frames & samples.
Helas, it's not clear if this would solve the problem of synchronized editing without a locking function. It's continued to be rough going, even with the expansion of the alignment functions.
There's still a pulse audio migration on the TODO list & smarter default window positions for a new install. It's all coming across as a lot less valuable than it did 25 years ago. Bringing up a new Ubunt is similarly not moving the needle. It's really bloated, slow, & not the simplistic, portable UNIX lions got inspired by. There has to be more motivation than engagement & click revenue. There has to be a technical appeal to something.
Lions got what they wanted from C64 development. The juice was really just exploring bitmap techniques lions couldn't figure out at age 10. It's unlikely even having original hardware would be very valuable. It's unlikely the lion kingdom's disk spooled graphics would ever really work. They would quickly wear out the disks.
The starship game died because there are zillions of starship games. They all get 1 like & no-one plays them. needs an option to address the end of lower resolution downloads.
The whole affair got lions pondering what their retirement should look like. There might not be enough remaneing value in building robots & software, but doing nothing isn't appealing either. Going out for food after thunderstorm time & watching late night talkshows while playing quake was where the happy time ended.
It may end with daily drives into town for food, property manetenance & gardening.
Everything went up on Jan 1. That's traditionally the stuff which offsets housing.
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