S&P 5000000

Probably got ripped off on all but the 1 I bond from 2022.  At 3%, they're currently yielding far below the 1 year treasury, even counting taxes.  1 I bond still yielded 4% by the end of 2024.  The others were down to 1 or 0%.  They pulled off 1% inflation in the last 6 months, even though housing inflation was 3%. 


Lions succumbed & started pondered getting a folding bike & stashing it in the car, since it's rarely driven & there's no other place to store it.  Wouldn't know when to ride it, but it might find a purpose in the new age of tendinopathy.  Instead of walking 5 miles, a lion could eventually ride to get around during the now necessary recovery days. 

Only a folding bike would fit in the car.  Good folding bikes are expensive.  The luxurious ones are now $6k.  The cheap ones are $300.  They're always a hassle to lock up.

Top tier god real estate.  Anyone who owns a house in Calif* is a god, but these are the best of the best of the best locations.

Lions remembered what it was like living on the end house in a tract, with nothing but open space on 2 sides.  Once the tract was extended, we got the hell out, but either way, it went up 10x with no increase in property tax.

The ship really struggled into the wind without the nose cone.  Little did lions know the same wind was fueling another round of fires down south.  It actually did manage a few 8 minute pace segments in sheltered areas, but the tendon keeled over at mile 9. 















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