
Showing posts from December, 2018
Nugget of info: "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" was written by the same guy who wrote "the music man" His childhood home of 1902 still stands in Iowa. It has no garage. You either walked to work or rode a horse. A December surge brought 2018 to slightly higher mileage than 2014. How did a year with no commuting yield lower mileage than a year with 3 hours of commuting per day? A new job with a much higher time commitment began. The commute itself was a source of at least 2 miles. There were more injuries than years past, manely a broken metatarsal & norovirus. Most of all, 2016 was the last race with a high motivation for training. It was the last time lions ran just to build up mileage, instead of to get food.
Coldest night of the year. Lions might have lived better if they could afford central heating, but they can't sleep without fresh air. The old thermometer often reported 55, years ago. It may not have been accurate. In 25 years of multimedia editing, the lion kingdom has never used the normal speed & fast reverse buttons. Frame reverse & all the forward speeds have been used extensively. The Avid/Final Cut/Premiere/iMovie editors have normal speed reverse through the keyboard, while the GUI only shows a button for normal forward speed. To advance frames, click on the timeline. Eliminating the reverse playback modes doesn't simplify anything, so far. Whether or not there is normal speed reverse, reverse modes have to be supported internally for effects. The lion kingdom does want more like the vi of multimedia editors, rather than a clone of a commercial product with features no-one uses. That was the vision in 1996.   The grand ambiti...
50 year olds look a lot better than they did 40 years ago.
Our central bank is the new white house, with neither the discipline to raise rates or reduce its balance sheet any more than when it was congress's job to reduce spending.
There is going to be a tax specifically on men to equalize the pay gap. That's where the last 2 years of news has been going. You'd think the existing 100 years of wealth transfer taxes would cover the gender gap, but that's not how governments work. The funny thing about a tax for being male is it's a government mandated version of the traditional breadwinner role from 100 years ago. So many decades were spent attacking the male breadwinner structure only for history to show it was really the most equal way to distribute wealth. We already enforce some male breadwinning by requiring men to provide maternity leave. The mandatory male breadwinner is the evolution of another cultural tradition into a law, as we follow the path all governments have taken.
It was the fastest a lion ever ran that course, by at least 20 minutes. Disabled all the phone radios to make it last long enough. Only burned 2 Clifs but carried 3 because of the psychological benefit. The speaker burned 1500mAh playing Messiah for 2.5 hours, then random xmas music for another 2 hours. Advances in footwear & robotic training bought most of the improvement.
Gave up trying to watch First Man in its entirety & just watched the moon landing part. Millenials add sound effects to everything, for some reason. Do they really hear sound effects when the earth passes through a window? Their gootube videos also have sound effects every time they turn a page. The 1990's shaky camera style got old, 20 years ago. Gathered the world to a millenial is always in crisis &  the director was using his own personal experience just trying to breathe to model what Neil Armstrong must have been feeling. Also noticed he ingrained hour after hour of family time in our heads, like having an ideal nuclear family was life & death.   Millenial gootube videos are the same way.  George Bush briefly campaigned on family values, but it was never the matter of life & death for generation X to have families that it is for millenials. He didn't just omit the flag raising on the moon, but the moon footage conspicuously avoided showi...
The internet is manely single men who think the real world is all happily married families with kids. The real world is manely single men who think the internet is all happy married families with kids.
5 miles at a 7m14s pace, with another 10 miles was very stressful.  Is it really more stressful than what married lions go through? Married lions have to lie, turn bald & fat, live well beyond their means, win the bread, deal with someone else's health problems, deal with someone else's kids, & fight divorce litigation.  Confirmed bachelor lions don't have any concerns besides their runs.
Millennial tomb raider is stronger than generation X tomb raider before she went insane. Generation X tomb raider became manely known for brangelina, 2 decades of divorce settlements & child custody battles. Millenial tomb raider has no advantage over generation X, other than being too young to have crisises yet. Unless the government forces people to stay married, there's no way anyone can stay together in a culture based purely on seeking status & fertility.
This was a failure. Turkey pepperoni is bad. Combining it with yellow death doesn't work because yellow death is not cheese.
Cocoa pods is such a hideous mess of dependency, version conflicts, & .lock files, the lion kingdom proposes another dependency manager to manage cocoa pods dependencies. It'll be cocoaly podoro at a valuation of $50 billion. It'll have just 5 .lock files & 20 versions but will automatically install the right version of cocoa pods required to install the right versions of your dependencies. They'll be the last project lines & .lock files you'll ever have to manetain.
2018 was a good year for lions. Food prices rose another 25%, but it was the 1st time the lion kingdom ever managed a positive cash flow without every day being a war just to sit at a different desk 50 miles away. Neither was it a constant race against crazy deadlines. The lion kingdom was able to manetane a decent state of fitness. In old age, there are never really great years like the past, because we have seen cash we made 20 years ago become absolutely worthless & know what we make today will be worthless in another 20 years. A 20 year old with no past earnings can view his modern $200,000 salary as worth more than he ever had before, no matter how fast prices rise in 20 years.
It's still a bland movie in a rewatching, but frost queen is still 1 of a kind. A good sequel would have her in middle age, after a few marriages & divorces from high rolling executives, now living with cats & tweeting memes about social justice.
Finally got the 1 cent whopper to work. The trick is clicking on the coupon multiple times to 1st unlock it, then to order it, which the app calls "apply". When it crashes, restart it. Unfortunately, didn't discover the buy 1 get 1 free deal way down the list until after paying full price for one. Writing a mobile fast food app may sound like the most banal job, but it solves some incredible problems. There's no more waiting in line or having other people waiting for you   to order. You can pick items from a very complicated menu on your own time & the server can handle unlimited numbers of people taking their own time. The phone interface is a lot more appetizing than a crusty store menu. Unlike ordering from a web browser 10 years ago, the phone can be near the store. It's a lot more appetizing than the food delivery startups 5 years ago. There's a lot more room for the vendor to make the menu look good. You can quickly get ...
It still exists after 25 years, but no longer works in some menus. Still no satellite pictures, radar, or personal weather stations. It's been kept around as a toy, but for some reason the command line internet of long ago still feels like it has potential for simple realtime data .
The neural networks which filter content on social media are supposedly trained to promote the most peace, with twitter specifically saying "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content". Maybe the real training is for creating the most revenue. They tend to promote comments which create the most friction, like Tory Bruno criticizing a rocket engine design, but hide comments which show the rocket engine design wasn't related to SpaceX. The effect of artificial intelligence based content filtering is we focus on shifting wealth from ourselves to the neural networks & they're getting better at it faster than any human salesman.
GHWB symbolized the end of communism 1.0, the mass layoffs & budget cuts that followed. Career defining projects lasting 30 years suddenly ended. He was really the turning point away from the military buildup that endured since WWII. Today’s military capability is still manely what Reagan left behind. He wasn’t liked at all during his presidency, but maybe experienced a revival like peanuthead Carter. A ruler has to do extremely badly to get sacked after only 1 term. The media only loves him now because he campaigned for the democratic party in 2016.