Coldest night of the year. Lions might have lived better if they could afford central heating, but they can't sleep without fresh air. The old thermometer often reported 55, years ago. It may not have been accurate.

In 25 years of multimedia editing, the lion kingdom has never used the normal speed & fast reverse buttons. Frame reverse & all the forward speeds have been used extensively. The Avid/Final Cut/Premiere/iMovie editors have normal speed reverse through the keyboard, while the GUI only shows a button for normal forward speed. To advance frames, click on the timeline.

Eliminating the reverse playback modes doesn't simplify anything, so far. Whether or not there is normal speed reverse, reverse modes have to be supported internally for effects.

The lion kingdom does want more like the vi of multimedia editors, rather than a clone of a commercial product with features no-one uses. That was the vision in 1996. The grand ambitions in 2001 started with the belief it could be commercialized with enough features & those features were being motivated by need rather than marketing. It was also a contest in those days to see who could write the biggest program.

A keyboard driven program as originally envisioned would have certain advantages. It would have been unique instead of just another iMovie. Modern phone programs are more like what we had in 1985 than what we had in 1999.


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