It still compiles but doesn't run.
In 1995, the only practical way to hear full CD albums was the original disk & a program called workman. There was mp2 encoding, but the hard drives were too small to keep entire albums. In 1998, still with only a 4 gig drive, lions dug up their Titanic CD every day & ran workman.
The l3enc encoder, free version limited to 112kbit, arrived in 1997, allowing some compressed files of individual songs to stay around. The licensed version was $250. By 1999, the lion kingdom was still listening to Loreena McKennit on workman.
Not until 2000 & the mighty 60GB hard drive, did the storage of full CD albums begin & workman disappear into history. l3enc can still be downloaded, but no longer runs.
Too bad there are so many reviewers of 8 bit computers & historic Windows software, but nothing about historic Linux software. Will video editors go the way of workman, if live streaming replaces prepared content or video is replaced by direct brainwave uploads?
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