Always thought of them as a buyout play operating at a loss, partially funding the artists with nickels & dimes from patrons, but manely funding them with venture capital, then selling the company for far more than they took in. Gootube needs a lot more than 10% to stay in business. They have to police all the members for fraud, advertise, fight lawsuits. Most of the money goes to lawyers.

After the buyout, the investors would walk away with billions the artists never knew they were worth & the patrons never knew they donated. When interest rates increased slightly, the buyout options shrank & they needed another gag.

In total, it was a good deal for artists, but a raw deal for the patrons & anyone paying rent near the patreon office.  The artists were worth a lot more in the minds of the equity holding investors than they would ever get, but they still got more than fair market.  After the buyout of course, real estate near the office would take another leap & everyone would wind up poorer than they started.


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