
Showing posts from May, 2019
After 5 years, the Skull stability ball finally died. It took quite a beating, in the CEO's corner of the office. It briefly had a Canadian hottie sitting on it. It succumbed to old age. There is no inner tube. The green envelope has a thin, transparent membrane on the inside, which is tougher than the outside. The black showing through the torn areas is the inside of the ball.
Lions feel sorry for anyone with too much mane hair. It's such a burden. There's an ideal mane length around the length of a lion mane. Human mane hair has a finite length because it constantly falls out & regrows, except for married men. Tangled was loosely based on the Rapunzel fairy tail. All the Grimm fairy tails were a bit too grim for lion taste. Throughout the pricess's torment, the lion kingdom constantly thought this movie better have a happy ending. Since we  all know the movie was followed by a TV series, we all know the princess must have survived & kept her super powers. The movie didn't really begin until Stud Muffin cut her mane off & she turned from a bland Disney princess into a world class mane tuft brunette hottie. Only as a mane tuft hottie was she strong & independent enough to be with Stud. The lion kingdom thought it was a bit odd for marriage to be marked up as much as it was in the movie. It was never ...
Sightings of the starship construction jigs 1st in Texas, then exactly the same stone circles suddenly appearing in Fl*rida got the lion kingdom thinking about stonehenge. It would have been easy enough for a druid living 5000 years ago to have a vision of a future, through quantum entanglement, in which survival of the human race depended on giant stone circles, but perhaps the aliens which visited the druids 5000 years ago told the story of how they left their planet for  the stars. The aliens revealed they did it in giant rockets made out of stainless steel, built on giant stone circles, just as we're doing now. Physics had dictated the easiest way for all alien species throughout the universe to travel to the stars & it always ended up exactly the same. The druids were so inspired, they modeled their religious artifacts after the alien spaceship jig. Did the druids envison themselves building giant rockets on their stone circles, once they perfected stainle...
The Beyond was an example of a movie that would have been better as a radio drama. It was made entirely of stock footage & talking heads. What little custom computer animation there was was blurred out because it was so bad. The story was told entirely by telling rather than showing & furthermore entirely through administrators rather than doers. Administrators are the most boring characters. The picture was just a detail to get qualified as a movie, because you can't make money on just sound. It made the lion kingdom realize it could make something just as entertaining with a lot less money, just using sound. If you can make a very good radio drama, you're 99% of the way to a very good movie, because the mane task is constructing a story out of dialog. The answer is yes, the radio in A christmas story is a real 1940 radio you can buy, with a lot more money than it cost in 1940. It was originally sold only to Canadian overloards. It had 5 bands. The original capacitors have all perished, but the tubes & speakers still work, after 80 years. In 1941, the radio would have been the center of a house, the way TV's were 30 years ago & phones are today. It was designed as such, with a gigantic wooden shrine for a case. There are no hi res photos of the tuning panel or the electronicals. In another sign of the movie's cynicism, the movie had a liquor dispensor on top of the radio, disguised as a bowling ball. Millenials would never stand for such cynicism.
The suicide net doesn't have a material impact on the view from the sidewalk, unless you're crazy enough to get right against the edge & look straight down. The view from the towers will be forever changed. Despite being designed to catch humans, it will never be used as any more than a visual deterrent. No human would be stupid enough to see the net & still jump. At most, 1 human might think it's fake, might be on drugs & jump, might think he's fat enough to break through , or simply get blown over the edge. It's a $211 million testament to a part of the human condition as basic as chairs & pants. No other animal jumps off bridges, but humans are hard wired for it. Perhaps it would have been cheaper to change western culture. US has more suicides than 80% of the world & ranks right below Japan. It has a very conservative culture with oppressed sexuality. Simultaneously, countries with lower suicide rates are places whe...
Life was a beautifully awful, fun movie that obviously wasn't serious enough for gluten free millenials to warrant a bittorrent higher than 720x304. As always, there's the fact that the crew is completely incompetent. No movie cast has been competent since generation X had kids & stopped making movies. As the supersized space station interiors rolled by, the lion kingdom was reminded of how much larger the original space station design under Reagan was supposed to be. The original space station was really supposed to be as big as the movie version.